D.C. Councilman 'done apologizing' for antisemitic comments
"I'm under constant attack," Councilman Trayon White said in response to criticism about his antisemitic comments.
By SHOSHANA KRANISHUpdated: APRIL 23, 2018 11:32Councilman Trayon White Sr. records a video on a street corner in Washington, DC(photo credit: screenshot)
Embroiled Washington D.C. Councilman Trayon White, Sr. took to Facebook on Saturday to say he is "done apologizing" for his recent actions."I'm under constant attack," he began."I made some comments... about the weather... at the time, I didn't know saying anything as relates to the Rothschilds meant all Jews," he continued.White has been under fire for his suggestion that the Rothschilds, a wealthy European Jewish banking family, control the weather. The family has been at the heart of dozens of conspiracy theories that claim that they - and Jews in general - control all of the world's banks and have been the architects of several wars. He stated in the video that he "never learned" about the Holocaust in school.In an effort to make amends for his comments White visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., though he wordlessly departed his guided tour halfway through, a fact he disputes and claims the media made up."I actually stayed the entire visit," he said about his recent trip to the Holocaust Museum. He said that a reporter was following him during the tour, and that once he learned about this, he "stepped away from the group" to take in the experience on his own. White said he and one of his staffers "went out on our own path," which other members of the tour said was outside the museum. At the conclusion of the tour, White was already standing on the sidewalk. He said viewers could "check the cameras" at the museum to see that he had stayed the entire time.Hi long-winded speech, recorded on a city street corner, included remarks ranging from his college GPA - a 3.7; his boss - the Lord, with whom people should "take up" the "issues" they have; to the number of grocery stores in his district - one."I'm not mad at media. The media is gonna be the media... they're gonna take part of a story and flip it to create a negative perception, especially of a young man who's doing what's right."White also addressed his recent $500 donation to the Nation of Islam, a group whose leader, Louis Farrakhan, has repeatedly made antisemitic comments. White explained that he made the donation because on his visits to homicide scenes in his district, the people who most often show up "and support me" are from a group called "Brothers Huddle," many of whose members are also a part of the Nation of Islam.He said that the group also supports him and that he would not "denounce these brothers" that are helping him and "doing good work." He said he did not agree with everything Farrakhan says, but did not specify what.
According to a report from the Washington Post, White gave contradictory answers over the nature of the donation, and whether he had requested his treasurer make it, then later saying he did not know about it."I don't have any issues with Jewish people, but the media gonna lead a perception that I do," he said, adding to his tirade against the media.Throughout the video, district members greeted White and shared words of support for him.