Jerusalem Post Aliyah Portal

The Jerusalem Post, Israel's largest English-speaking media outlet, is launching an aliyah portal, to bring you all the resources you need to prepare for a move to Israel - and to be successful when you get to Israel. Enjoy the inspiration!

  Contortionist and artist Jonathan Nosan.

Jonathan Nosan: The Broadway, cinema contortionist now living in Israel

Jonathan Nosan has created a unique life as a performing artist, entrepreneur, coach, and ceramic artist. 


MKs push gov't to greenlight aliyah for 5,000 Bnei Menashe from India

Out of the 5,000 awaiting aliyah, approximately half have relatives who have already moved to Israel.

 Joshua Hasten

Joshua Hasten: The Indianapolis-born journalist, podcaster living in Israel

A freelance journalist and public relations consultant, he specializes in PR for nonprofits. Until recently, he served as the international spokesperson for the Yesha Council and Gush Etzion.  


Ministry of Immigration and Absorption launches new app for olim

Available in six languages, the application centralizes all information new immigrants need. 

Even in the shadow of the war, 31,000 new immigrants arrived in Israel this year

"This immigration symbolizes the deep attachment of the Jewish people to their country," Ofir Sofer, the Aliyah and Integration Minister, said.


Naomi Oren: A journey from Siberia to Israel

The current war has done nothing to diminish Naomi’s love for Israel. “If anything, it has made me more patriotic,” she says. “This is my home, and I am here for better and for worse.


Israel expels British Jewish activist who tried to immigrate under Law of Return

Franks said he sees his politics as compatible with the Israeli identity he hopes to achieve. 

 "The entire nation of Israel shares in this excitement."

2,000 North Americans make aliyah over the summer

Nefesh B’Nefesh celebrates busy aliyah season with influx of olim since October 7 and continues to see significant increase in aliyah applications.

Chicago woman made aliyah in 1973 and became part of Israel's story

Judy Selig Grossman is a part of the story of Israel. Her connection to the Land of Israel and to the nation of Israel is constant. 

  Joanie Margulies's dog, Amelia, on the day she made aliyah, December 8, 2020.

Aliyah tails: Family pet journeys to a future in Israel

From dogs to cats to birds, the consensus was clear: Moving to Israel would be harder with a pet, but worth it in the end.

Aliya minister Ofir Sofer calls for unity government

Sofer's call came after National Unity MK Matan Kahana, said in a radio interview that he would be willing to join a unity government even without setting a date for an election.

  Yair Esterkin (center) is seen on a tour in Israel.

Russian oleh on immigrant experience: Russia taught me resilience, Israel taught me purpose

Born in Moscow, Yair Esterkin immigrated to Israel at 17, feeling an immediate connection with his new homeland. 

Meir Holtz appointed CEO of Masa Israel Journey

Masa is the leading organization bringing young Jewish adults from around the world to participate in immersive programming in Israel.

Nearly 30,000 made aliyah since war broke out, interest in aliyah spiking abroad

Immigration and Absorption Minister Ofir Sofer (RZP) said the “growing desire to make aliyah right now may lead to tens of thousands of olim in the coming years.”

A Smoggie-Sabra story: Charles & Tali Kohn, from London to Jerusalem, 1994

How did a mandolin-playing Yemenite maiden convince a motorcycling, marathon-running musician from Middlesbrough to move back with her to Israel?

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