Demonstration of a million people against terrorism is nice, but it is only the initial action. In the past generation terrorism has escalated and is now accelerating beyond control.
The real demand by the masses of the free world is to call for, that immediate action with force and unrestricted international cooperation to fight, crush and eliminate terrorism.
The terrorist infrastructure and financing must be eliminated. Let the terrorists know under no circumstances that terror and violence will not be tolerated.
Let the leaders and politicians know that if they do not go after terrorism in earnest without personal political reasons, that they will not be elected again. This is no time for politicking, but actions and results, the future of the world as we know it, depends on it.
Put all politics aside - fighting and quashing terrorism is a matter of world survival.
The world needs to put together immediately an International task forces to fight terrorism and Muslim extremists. It needs to be a well trained force with substantial resources and manpower as well as an International intelligence cooperation with no restriction. It has to be a unified and cohesive battle to abolish terrorism at all costs.
Let the terrorists know that there is no hole they can hide in, that the world terrorist task force and other law enforcement agencies will get them wherever they are. We must shut off all their resources, financing, financial institutions and any source that supply them with any kind of support; weaponry, economic, information, etc. whatsoever.
I urge the world powers at large to take these terrorist events seriously with utmost urgency. The situation is at a critical stage and if immediate all out action is not taken in all parts of the world, terror and mayhem will take over the world and we will not be able to stop it.
Just imagine if one of those terrorist got a hold of a nuclear suitcase bomb. Do I need to describe it any further.
Is there a leader today (please stand up) in the free world who can take the bull by the horn and initiate this global war on terrorism.
YJ Draiman
P.S. Fighting terrorism is not unlike fighting a deadly cancer. It can not be treated just where it is visible - every diseased cell in the body must be destroyed.