Israeli toddler found walking alone in Tel Aviv amid storms, heavy rain

Israel Police launched an investigation into the incident shortly after evacuating the child to Sourasky Medical Center for medical examinations.

 The toddler seen with an MDA paramedic in Tel Aviv on November 20, 2023 (photo credit: MAGEN DAVID ADOM/VIA WALLA!)
The toddler seen with an MDA paramedic in Tel Aviv on November 20, 2023

A two-year-old toddler was found walking the streets of Tel Aviv alone early on Monday morning, amid heavy rain and winds.

Two passersby saw the child walking on Dizengoff Street without supervision and alerted Israel Police officers, who evacuated the child to Sourasky Medical Center for medical examinations.

Israel Police launched an investigation into the incident shortly after. 

The toddler's parents were summoned to an investigation at the local police station in Tel Aviv, police said.

  (credit: Tal Givoni)
(credit: Tal Givoni)

Toddler found alone amid Israel's first storm of the winter

Israel experienced its inaugural winter storm of the year on Sunday and Monday morning. The rain intensity was so high in certain areas that it broke historical records, according to the Israel Meteorological Service.

Maayan Jaffe-Hoffman contributed to this report.