ISIS-planned attack on Real Madrid players and fans thwarted - report

The attack was thwarted in a joint operation between Interpol, the US FBI, the Spanish Civil Guard.

 Real Madrid celebrate winning the Champions League, June 2, 2024 (photo credit: REUTERS/SUSANA VERA)
Real Madrid celebrate winning the Champions League, June 2, 2024
(photo credit: REUTERS/SUSANA VERA)

An Islamic State terrorist organization splinter cell planned a shooting attack on Real Madrid fans and players, the newspaper 'El Confidencial' revealed on Monday.

Last week, in a joint operation with Interpol and the US FBI, the Spanish Civil Guard Information Service dismantled the so called I'lam Foundation, one of the largest propaganda centers linked to the Islamic State, said the 'El Confidencial' report.

The cell had ordered its followers to attack the bus of the Real Madrid players and their fans.

Plan of attack

A poster showed the words "Brother. Wait in a place near the players' arrival point. Aim at them along with their supporters," alongside a picture of a hooded man opening fire with a rifle, the target set on the Real Madrid bus.

 An ISIS fighter poses in front of an Islamic State flag (credit: Wikimedia Commons)
An ISIS fighter poses in front of an Islamic State flag (credit: Wikimedia Commons)

The attack, planned on Santiago Bernabéu Stadium, was thwarted and nine people, including residents from Girona, Cadiz, and Almeria, were arrested.