Demonstrations in support of unity government to take place nationwide

Protesters will march from the Knesset to Balfour in support of the Lapid-Bennett coalition on Saturday evening.

 "Cleaning the incitement out of Balfour," protesters at Balfour bring foam machine to protest, June 5, 2021 (photo credit: CRIME MINISTER)
"Cleaning the incitement out of Balfour," protesters at Balfour bring foam machine to protest, June 5, 2021
(photo credit: CRIME MINISTER)
Demonstrations in support of the Lapid-Bennett coalition will be held across the country on Saturday evening.
They will be organized by the Black Flags and Crime Minister movements, which have been holding protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Balfour Street in Jerusalem every Saturday for over a year now. 
"The time has come for a unity government," a statement released by the Black Flags Movement read. "Bennett and Lapid - the nation is behind you!" 
A demonstration, titled "Yes to a unity government! No to incitement and violence!" is planned to take place in front of the Prime Minister Official Residence in Jerusalem Saturday evening. 
PROTESTERS GATHER in front of the Knesset before marching to Balfour and the Prime Minister's Residence in a protest they are calling 'yes to a unity government! No to incitement and violence!' June 5, 2021. (Credit: YAIR FELTI)
PROTESTERS GATHER in front of the Knesset before marching to Balfour and the Prime Minister's Residence in a protest they are calling 'yes to a unity government! No to incitement and violence!' June 5, 2021. (Credit: YAIR FELTI)
Protesters gathered at the Knesset before marching toward Balfour Street, where they erected an art display "Scrubbing the incitement off of Balfour." 
In a video shared on twitter, protestors could be seen preparing to march from the Knesset with banners, Israeli flags, and drums.

"These are historic days for the future of the State of Israel," a statement by Crime Minister read. "Supporters from all political camps will join us to make their voices heard and to clean our country from the incitement and violence. We will stay there until he leaves!"

Israel Police have closed several roads in the center of Jerusalem in preparation for the protests.

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Knesset Speaker Yariv Levin confirmed on Friday afternoon that he would be announcing that Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid had succeeded in forming a coalition this coming Monday in the Knesset, allowing the process to form a new government to proceed.
Nadav Argaman, head of the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency), released a statement on Saturday evening calling for "elected officials from all corners of the political spectrum, opinion leaders, clerics, educators and all citizens of Israel... to issue a clear and decisive call for an immediate cessation of the inciting and violent discourse."
This statement comes after various Knesset members including Yamina leader Naftali Bennett, Yamina MK Ayelet Shaked, and Meretz MK Tamar Zandberg, have received threats from members of the public following the formation of the government.