Hungary’s EU Presidency will improve bloc’s ties with Israel - FM Katz

"The period of the Hungarian presidency is an unprecedented opportunity to improve Israel's position in the European Union” Katz said.

Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó and his Israeli counterpart Israel Katz. (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST, YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)
Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó and his Israeli counterpart Israel Katz.

Hungary’s ascension to the European Union Council Presidency in July will improve relations between Israel and the 27-member bloc, Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz said during a visit to the Jewish state’s strong ally in Europe.

“The period of the Hungarian Presidency is an unprecedented opportunity to improve Israel’s position in the European Union” despite “the plots” that EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell “has tried to promote against us,” Katz said.

The EU Council Presidency, held on a rotating six-month basis, was filled in the last year first by Spain, then by Belgium – two countries sharply at odds with the Jewish state over the Gaza war and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Hungary takes up those reigns as calls have grown among EU member states to review the EU-Israel Association Agreement in light of the Gaza war with an eye to using it as a vehicle to influence the IDF’s military campaign against Hamas in that enclave.

The agreement lays the framework for Israel-EU relations, whereby countries upset by the IDF’s actions in Gaza have threatened to weaken these ties. Hungary is expected to push back against those efforts.

 European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell attends a press conference on the day of EU-Ukraine Association Council in Brussels, Belgium March 20, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/YVES HERMAN)
European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell attends a press conference on the day of EU-Ukraine Association Council in Brussels, Belgium March 20, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/YVES HERMAN)

Hungary, according to Katz, plans to convene a meeting of the EU-Israel Association Council. Katz, in his meeting with Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó on Monday, accepted an invitation for Israel to attend that meeting. This council last met two years ago.

Alliance against Iran

Katz said that he also expected Hungary to help the EU stand strong against Iran.

“Hungary’s leadership in the union can continue the sanctions against Iran and its attempts to arm itself with nuclear weapons. It is important that the union, alongside the US and other countries, stands up against Iran to prevent an all-out war,” he said.