Revealed: A Waze-like GPS is Israel's new secret weapon in Gaza

The app, developed by Shin Bet investigators, was inspired by tactical intelligence gathered from Nokhba terrorists captured before the IDF's ground maneuver in Gaza. 

 Where are we heading? An illustration of the Waze logo. (photo credit: DADO RUVIC/REUTERS)
Where are we heading? An illustration of the Waze logo.
(photo credit: DADO RUVIC/REUTERS)

Israeli intelligence has developed a tactical navigation application akin to Waze for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) designed for ground operations in Gaza.

This development was highlighted in a recent publication by "IICC Perspectives," a journal issued by the Israeli Intelligence Heritage Center.

The app, developed by Shin Bet investigators, was inspired by tactical intelligence gathered from Nokhba terrorists captured before the IDF's ground maneuver in Gaza. 

The capabilities of the app

According to the journal, the app features maps with crucial waypoints. It includes a comprehensive 'enemy awareness' guide, among other critical aids, made available to the forces ahead of the operations.

This initiative is part of a broader intelligence effort that began following the events of October 7, referred to as the Black Sabbath. 

 A man holds his phone showing his in Beirut at the Google Maps app, in Jerusalem, April 4, 2024 (credit: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)
A man holds his phone showing his in Beirut at the Google Maps app, in Jerusalem, April 4, 2024 (credit: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

Investigators were able to extract significant insights not only pertinent to ground navigation but also in other critical operational areas, which played a substantial role in the planning and execution phases of the ground operations.

Moreover, Mossad, Israel's national intelligence agency, has been actively involved in providing unique technological support to the IDF. 

Navigation of Hamas tunnels minimizing risk to soldiers

This includes advanced equipment for safely scanning Hamas tunnels, significantly minimizing risks to soldiers during underground operations. The Mossad's contributions extend beyond equipment, offering extensive technological and operational support on the battlefield, enhancing the IDF's capability to engage effectively with Hamas forces.

These technological interventions have reportedly included protective technologies for tanks and armored personnel carriers, which have already safeguarded thousands of military vehicles and the soldiers operating them. 

The Mossad has also deployed specialized robots for complex reconnaissance and combat tasks in underground environments, ensuring soldier safety by mitigating direct exposure to hostile conditions.

The details of most of these technological advancements remain classified; however, officials have shared insights on several tools that have transformed military operations, particularly in challenging terrains like Gaza.

These contributions underscore a significant collaboration among Israeli intelligence arms, leveraging their extensive experience and cutting-edge technology to tackle modern warfare challenges head-on.

This integrated approach not only boosts the effectiveness of ground operations but also plays a crucial role in safeguarding the lives of those on the front lines, marking a significant stride in military and intelligence cooperation.