Day 15 of Netanyahu's corruption trial begins at Tel Aviv District Court
Court rejects bid to cancel third weekly hearing in Netanyahu trial
The judges rejected a request by the prosecution and defense to cancel a third weekly hearing for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's corruption trial in which a witness other than the Israeli leader would take the stand.
The Tuesday ruling came during a lunch break in Netanyahu's testimony in response to requests raised by both legal teams at the beginning of the hearing.
The prosecution had been concerned about cross-contamination of concurrent witness testimonies, which resulted in them influencing one another's statements.
A request to cancel Wednesday's hearing specifically due to the witness's unavailability was also rejected.
Defense Attorney Amit Hadad highlights 2015 interview to discredit items in indictment
At Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Tuesday corruption trial testimony, defense attorney Amit Hadad highlighted Walla's coverage of a 2015 Channel 2 interview with the Israeli leader and then-Zionist Union leader Isaac Herzog, in an attempt to discredit items in the indictment alleging a media bribery scheme.
Netanyahu recalled the interview that occurred three days before the election, calling it an ambush because the two politicians were supposed to be interviewed separately, but they had connected the interviews.
Hadad highlighted how ex-Walla CEO Ilan Yeshua and ex-editor-in-chief Avi Alkalai was positively received the interview, and how Walla had covered the item in a manner beneficial to Herzog.
The defense also presented to the court Walla had corrected Herzog's verbal gaffes, but when Netanyahu made similar mistakes they were highlighted by the outlet.
"I built the Har Homa neighborhood in 1977 -- sorry, 1997," Netanyahu said in 2015, correcting himself mid-sentence. Walla had presented Netanyahu's mistake in the headline, despite him correcting himself.
Judges skeptical on continuing to review materials in trial
The judges seemed skeptical about the need to continue reviewing materials related to a 2015 Walla interview and other items of news coverage during Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Tuesday corruption trial testimony, arguing that the Israeli leader was repeating himself and offering no new commentary.
Court weighs canceling Tuesday hearings in Netanyahu corruption trial
The idea of cancelling two months of Tuesday hearings for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's corruption trial was raised at the Tuesday hearing in response to the prosecution's concerns about having another witness take the stand between the Israeli leader's weekly Monday and Wednesday testimonies.
Following a Thursday ruling by the Jerusalem District Court changing the weekly docket from three to two days a week, with the Tuesday hearing devoted to one of eight defense witnesses, the prosecution had argued on Sunday that it was concerned that there would be witness contamination.
The testimonies of Netanyahu and other defense witnesses could influence one another, the prosecution warned.
Day 15 of Netanyahu's corruption trial begins
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s corruption trial testimony began anew on Tuesday with the Israeli leader’s fifteenth hearing.
Important facts
- There are three main cases: Case 1000 (Illegal Gifts), 2000 (attempted Media Bribery - Yediot Aharonot-Israel Hayom) and 4000 (Media Bribery Walla-Bezeq)
- The Jerusalem District Court has rejected three requests for postponement by the PM, who initially delayed from the summer until December 2 due to the war.