24-hour learnathon in honor of Rabbi Riskin - watch live
Ohr Torah Stone is hosting the learnathon featuring lessons by many of its rabbis and rabbaniyot, educators and worldwide emissaries, in honor of Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Riskin’s 80th birthday.
A 24-hour non-stop global Torah online learning session is taking place ahead of Shavuot in honor of Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Riskin’s 80th birthday.Ohr Torah Stone (OTS) – the network of educational and social institutions Riskin founded in 1983 – is hosting the learnathon featuring shiurim (lessons) by many of its rabbis and rabbaniyot, educators and worldwide emissaries. The program is streaming on two channels, for 24 hours, in a number of languages. Visit www.ots.org.il/shavuot for links and details.Riskin is one of this generation’s leading Modern Orthodox rabbis and contemporary voices on issues of Jewish thought, Zionism and Jewish education in Israel and worldwide. Following his aliyah to become the founding rabbi of Efrat, Riskin established OTS with the goal of educating toward the compassion, justice, and relevance inherent in Torah Judaism.The OTS vision has since translated into numerous schools and graduate programs as well as social, leadership and outreach programs. Spanning the globe, these programs impact hundreds of thousands of people and, in several cases, have literally altered the course of Jewish history.“Rabbi Riskin is a model for how the actions of one educator and communal leader can impact the Jewish world,” said Rabbi Dr. Kenneth Brander, who assumed leadership of OTS in 2018. “There is perhaps no more fitting way to salute his impact on the Jewish world than by continuing his extraordinary legacy of spreading the beauty and significance of Torah.”