Israeli parents start affair while on school Holocaust trip to Poland

While parents often accompany Israeli school trips to Poland, where children are educated about the horrors of the Holocaust, these two decided to cheat on their spouses.

A trip to Poland (photo credit: YOSSI ZELIGER/FLASH90)
A trip to Poland
(photo credit: YOSSI ZELIGER/FLASH90)

A mother accompanying her daughter and a father accompanying his son on an Israeli school trip to Poland saw the parents get closer at a hotel - though rather than talking about Holocaust history, they instead struck up an extramarital affair.

Why are Israeli children and parents going to Poland?

Young Israelis attending school frequently take trips to the Nazi concentration camps in Poland. These trips, which serve to educate students about the horrors of the Holocaust, have become something of a rite of passage in Israeli society. In fact, there are hardly any young men or women in Israel who haven't gone on a school trip to learn about the horrors that European Jews were subjected to on Polish soul during the Second World War.

As educational trips, they are usually run through the schools. However, a few parents often accompany the school to help the teachers out, such as by helping organize the trip. 

But in this case, it seems two parents decided to focus on organizing their own extracurricular activities for just the two of them: Cheating on their spouses.

 PARTICIPANTS IN the March of the Living at Auschwitz-Birkenau, May 2019: The educational and emotional benefits of a well-designed visit to Poland can be huge, says the writer.  (credit: YOSSI ZELIGER/FLASH90)
PARTICIPANTS IN the March of the Living at Auschwitz-Birkenau, May 2019: The educational and emotional benefits of a well-designed visit to Poland can be huge, says the writer. (credit: YOSSI ZELIGER/FLASH90)

"I felt that there was chemistry between us and we understood each other, but there was nothing romantic."

The father

Mutual infidelity on a children's Holocaust education trip

The parents themselves, a father in his early 40s and a 37-year-old mother, claim they didn't know each other before the trip to Poland.

"We started talking by chance because we both had Rolex watches on our wrists," the father told his lawyers, Oren and Sharin Solan.

However, the conversations between the two soon seemingly escalated to something more physical as an affair began - though the father stressed that this wasn't anything romantic.

"At night, when everything calmed down, we got closer," the father said. "I felt that there was chemistry between us and we understood each other, but there was nothing romantic."

Despite this, the affair seemingly became very intense, and the father says that he no longer sees any point in trying to salvage his current marriage.

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"The biggest difficulty right now is with the children," he said, "but I can't go back to my wife."

The scorned wife says her husband lies, but blames the teacher

Despite the father's claim that he and his partner in adultery didn't know each other before the affair began, his wife begs to differ.

The scorned wife claims that her husband absolutely knew this woman beforehand and says she has evidence to prove it. Not only that, but the wife had spoken to the woman's husband, who also complained about the affair.

But despite this, she doesn't put the responsibility entirely on her husband. Rather, she argues that responsibility falls wholly on the class's teacher, as he did not adequately supervise the parents or acted to stop this affair from starting in the first place.

The current status of the couple's marriage is unknown, but the lawyers have urged them to start finding a way to resolve the dispute.