Discover the Israeli heart via UG

A story of social heroism.

  (photo credit: Noy Tzemach)
(photo credit: Noy Tzemach)

Long before the citizens of Israel woke up to a new and painful reality on the Black Sabbath of October 7, 2023, many had already felt that their reality was no longer as safe and protected as before.At a time when most of us, adults and children alike, are spending more than nine hours a day in front of screens and are addicted to digital content that carries a negative character and damages our psyche, it can be said that the battle for the Jewish soul began before the Swords of Iron war.

UG, a new Israeli initiative launched before Rosh Hashanah, offers a "protected space for our heart," a social, Israeli, and positive network for sharing positive content only: stories of heroism, acts of volunteerism and kindness, accounts of miracles, good news, and inspiration -- all without judgment, shaming, or likes. Share and receive a big thank you.

This is what we call social heroism.

Free your captive soul

When we go on to various social media sites, we are exposed to huge amounts of negative, addictive, and depressing information which, according to studies, may lead to various disorders, from depression and anxiety to eating disorders. The harmful content affects all of us, especially children, adolescents, and young adults. When will we stop consciously giving a hand to the addiction to gossip? Is "negative or controversial content" necessarily more addicting?

At UG, whose initials stand for “United for Good,” we offer a safer and more protected alternative for the soul. The network isn't pretending to replace Facebook or Twitter, but it offers a blue-and-white option for a healthier life. A few minutes of UG a day provides a heaping dose of positive content that balances the daily tension and stress we all have, now more than ever.

Giving up on gossip, disputes, and conflicts involves a lot of courage because most of us are used to, and even addicted to, our daily dose of it. We have become accustomed to enjoying slander. But from the moment of joining the positive Israeli network, one goes through a journey of correction. The user is being asked to sign a code of values for respectful conduct and discourse and not just a draconian legal code like the ones we are used to. The user begins to accumulate "thanks" and positive structured responses for every photo, experience, inspirational story, or miracle that is uploaded to the Web. People don't have the opportunity to judge the participants or comment on the photos and videos with negative and rude comments. The system's algorithm allows only understandable and positive responses adapted to users according to age and interests and is updated according to the situation.

It seems that this Israeli social media network has arrived at the exact time when Israelis seek to unite, reveal their hearts, and put conflicts and divisions far behind them. It is as if the founders of UG had foreseen the future.

Credit -360up
Credit -360up

The prescription for happiness

Studies in the field of social psychology indicate that our happiness is not embodied in financial assets or achievements but in meaningful relationships with people. The new Israeli network UG allows us to relearn a language of communication in which we reveal our hearts without fear of receiving a digital "slap" in the form of a disparaging or insulting comment.

The system introduces users to people with similar interests in their geographical area and thus constitutes a kind of Waze for good. A volunteer map will show you where there are associations and organizations that you can volunteer for around you, and will even offer social mentors who can help you grow according to your interests, at no cost. For example, if we are interested in animals or helping the elderly, we can find each other on the UG map and meet to volunteer together. In an era where friends only meet behind the keyboard, it is refreshing to know that the network's interface also supports physical rendezvous by geographical region.

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Positive influencers

Another phenomenon that shapes contemporary culture is influencers. UG decided to invert the pyramid and make everyone an influencer. In fact, your voice is equal to the voice of someone "famous," thus children with special needs become heroes within the system, and people with disabilities are the new opinion leaders-influencers for the better!

On the occasion of Hanukkah, UG initiated the Great Miracles Challenge, realizing that this is the right time to share stories of miracles and give hope and inspiration to Israeli society. As part of the challenge, users are invited to share their personal miracle stories and collect a multitude of thanks.