IDF tanks run over vehicles belonging to reservists on Gaza border

The IDF stated that the vehicles were parked in an unauthorized area and that the incident is being investigated.

Vehicles of reservists that were crushed by an IDF tank (Photo: Zamir Chaimi) (photo credit: Zamir Chaimi/Maariv Online)
Vehicles of reservists that were crushed by an IDF tank (Photo: Zamir Chaimi)
(photo credit: Zamir Chaimi/Maariv Online)

Reservists who arrived for active duty in the southern Gaza Strip left their vehicles near the camp where they enlisted.

The area is a roadside on the outskirts of an agricultural zone, near the tri-border area between Israel, Egypt, and the Gaza Strip.

In the morning, the soldiers were shocked to discover that two of their vehicles had been crushed by the tracks of an IDF tank, which had driven over the cars.

Passing by the vehicles

Zamir Chaimi, an agricultural worker from Nir Yitzhak and Kerem Shalom, passed by the area and documented the remains of the vehicles.

"I arrived in the morning and was shocked to see that an IDF tank had driven over cars that were near our field, which is a peanut cultivation area. These are vehicles of reservist soldiers, who left them by the roadside," Chaimi recalled.

  Israeli tanks and military vehicles take position near Israel's border with the Gaza Strip, in southern Israel, October 13, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/VIOLETA SANTOS MOURA)
Israeli tanks and military vehicles take position near Israel's border with the Gaza Strip, in southern Israel, October 13, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/VIOLETA SANTOS MOURA)

The IDF stated that the vehicles were parked in an unauthorized area. This is on the side of an agricultural area where peanuts, intended for harvest in the fall, are currently planted. 

"An armored military vehicle struck cars that were parked along a route for armored vehicles while moving from the combat zone to gathering areas in the Kerem Shalom area earlier this week. The incident is under investigation,” the IDF responded.