In the third round of judicial appointments since October 7, 17 new judges and registrars were appointed on Tuesday to labor courts in Jerusalem, Nazareth, Tel Aviv, and Beersheba.
At the second round of appointments in June, 109 judges were appointed – an unprecedented number in the history of the state.At that time, while praising the Judicial Appointments Committee for reaching a consensus, despite the differences among its members, President Isaac Herzog emphasized that there were still many vacancies to be filled, especially in the Supreme Court.
He did so again on Tuesday at the appointment ceremony traditionally held at the President’s Residence.The reason that vacancies have not been filled is that the dispute over judicial reform has not been settled.Herzog gives message to new appointees
In congratulating the new appointees, he urged them to be professional, and sensitive and to listen carefully, for the benefit of the state and its citizens.The role of a labor court judge, he said, is one of the most important and essential in the system, because the labor courts have enormous influence on the lives of all those who come before them.In welcoming the new judges, Vogelman said that their appointments help to strengthen the system. He also pointed out that they represent different sectors of Israeli society.With all the recent appointments, the courts are still overburdened, which places a severe strain on existing judges.Vogelman was pleased that despite this the courts have succeeded in safeguarding human rights and human dignity.In the justice system, said Levin, it is imperative to accept the other “so that we have all on behalf of all.”He was pleased that all the appointments had been unanimous and said that many future judges had been approved.Being a judge is not easy, he told the appointees. “Your appointment represents the confidence that all the members of the Judicial Appointments Committee have in your abilities. You have a most important mission.”
Wirth Livne was most appreciative of the fact that there are so many new additions to the labor courts and said that all the new judges have good records as lawyers.In dealing with the complex variety of cases, she remarked, the labor courts incorporate many facets of the lives of the people involved.