Operation Israel: The nonprofit org. providing tactical gear to IDF soldiers – interview

Vaxman's unwavering dedication through Operation Israel has been crucial in addressing the gear shortage for IDF soldiers.

 An IDF unit receives tactical and personal gear in an Operation Israel delivery. (photo credit: Operation Israel)
An IDF unit receives tactical and personal gear in an Operation Israel delivery.
(photo credit: Operation Israel)

Since October 7, Operation Israel, a nonprofit organization dedicated to aiding IDF soldiers, has raised $8.5 million to supply essential tactical gear. Founder Adi Vaxman spoke with The Jerusalem Post about her motivation for starting the initiative and her experiences thus far.

Vaxman, who has been running Sheba Consulting, a management consulting firm she has owned and operated for over 15 years, brought her extensive experience to 'Operation Israel.' Her company provides strategic, operational, financial, and HR management services to companies, including many Israeli tech startups entering the US market. This expertise in management and strategic planning has been invaluable in organizing and executing the rapid response of Operation Israel to the Israel-Hamas war.

“On the Friday night between October 6 and 7,” Vaxman recounted to The Post, “my family and I were watching the news from Israel and saw the horrific videos. It was shocking.”

Feeling overwhelmed by the gravity of the situation, Vaxman, who usually thrives on problem-solving, knew she had to act. “I was completely and utterly hopeless,” she told The Post. “I’ve never experienced anything like this before. I’m a problem solver. I always know what to do and how to fix things.”

The following day, she received numerous requests from her community in Bergen County, NJ. Many were concerned that their children, who were serving as lone soldiers in the IDF, lacked basic gear. “People came to me because I’m known for initiating solutions,” Vaxman explained to The Post.

 IDF soldiers operate in the Gaza Strip, August 4, 2024 (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
IDF soldiers operate in the Gaza Strip, August 4, 2024 (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

“I’ve organized fundraisers and tackled antisemitism in my community, so they knew to seek me out.”

By Sunday, Vaxman had swiftly contacted suppliers and procured vital equipment, including ceramic plates and vests, power banks, helmets, drones, vehicle repair tools, and medical gear. Along with her team, she worked tirelessly to ship these supplies to Israel as quickly as possible. Vaxman took on the entire operation: fundraising, marketing, PR, bureaucratic challenges, customs, legal issues, finance, and overall administration of the organization.

Unwavering Zionism

Operation Israel is entirely voluntary, reflecting Vaxman’s dedication and commitment beyond her professional endeavors. She highlighted specific needs, such as the fact that only 5% of soldiers had flashlights on their weapons, which are crucial for visibility. Additionally, her team recognized the importance of drones, which have been instrumental in saving lives by detecting and preventing threats.

“I have always been a Zionist,” Vaxman said, emphasizing her deep connection to Israel and her motivation to support the IDF. “My Judaism is the first thing that defines me and the last thing that defines me.” Her unwavering dedication through Operation Israel has been crucial in addressing the gear shortage for IDF soldiers. Vaxman’s mobilization of resources and support serves as a powerful reminder that individual efforts can make a significant difference.