In keeping with a policy that he instituted when he entered office three-and-a-half years ago, President Isaac Herzog, who on Tuesday released his annual report on appeals for pardons and reduced sentences, reiterated that there would be no pardons for perpetrators of sex crimes, domestic violence, or traffic violations.Taking into account the high level of crime in Arab communities, Herzog has added to the list of crimes associated with armed violence. 2024 saw a steep increase in crimes compared to 2023, which is also reflected in the number of applications for pardons and the commutation of sentences.There were 1,059 processed requests in 2023 and 1,535 in 2024. Many were soldiers, and others were those directly affected by the Israel-Hamas War.
Included in the requests were a few for the erasing of records in which the crimes committed had long ago passed the statute of limitations. While they remain on record, the applicants cannot attain certain career positions.Sense of understanding
Understanding that there are people who are not habitual criminals but who committed illegal acts in reaction to specific situations, Herzog urged family members of anyone murdered or kidnapped by Hamas, survivors of the Nova music festival, residents of Gaza border communities, evacuees, soldiers, and security service personnel to send him their applications.