A six-week-old baby from southern Israel has been hospitalized with severe injuries, and his parents have been arrested on suspicion of abuse, Walla reported on Thursday.
The baby was found to have multiple fractures, including broken ribs, an arm, and a leg, as well as brain and eye hemorrhages (brain and eye bleeds).
The infant was admitted to the intensive care unit last week.
According to sources familiar with the case, the mother claimed he had fallen from the couch, but the nature of the injuries reportedly suggested intentional harm. In response, officers from the Sderot police station quickly launched an investigation.
"One of the most shocking cases we've encountered," said a source familiar with the details.
Previous cases with same parents
Four years ago, the infant’s older sister was also hospitalized at the same age with similar injuries. At the time, the father was arrested and questioned but was later released, and the child remained in his custody.
Following this incident, the children have been placed in foster care pending further investigation.
"This is an extreme, severe, and recurring case of abuse," sources stated.