WOAH!!!!!!!!!!!! INSANE!!!! So wonderful. Thank you!! https://t.co/wROveT9XT8 via @RottenTomatoes
— Patty Jenkins (@PattyJenks) November 7, 2017
Rotten Tomatoes is an online website that compiles movie reviews into two percentage scores: one of amateur critics and one of professional critics. The percentage is then broken down into three ratings based on the score. Zero to 59% is graded a rotten green tomato, 60 to 74% is a fresh red tomato and 75% to 100% is a certified fresh rating.This is incredible!!! So grateful for working w/ such amazing ppl & for your amazing reviews @RottenTomatoes https://t.co/diqJQab7zE
— Gal Gadot (@GalGadot) November 7, 2017