Megillah, Mishloah Manot, Mishteh - Where to get your share in Tel Aviv this Purim
For Tel Aviv internationals, there are plenty of ways to get involved this Purim.
By JULIANE HELMHOLDUpdated: FEBRUARY 27, 2018 20:21A packed house for the Purim megila reading in 2016 at the Tel Aviv International Synagogue(photo credit: JULIANE HELMHOLD)
Purim, often called the 'Jewish version of Halloween', is here again with its colorful costumes, numerous parties and copious amounts of alcohol flowing freely.But there is more to it than just dress up, fun and booze. Purim commemorates the miraculous events in Persia 2,300 years ago when the Jewish people were saved from Haman's decree of annihilation."According to our sages, Purim is even holier than Yom Kippur," Rabbi Ariel Konstantyn from Tel Aviv's International Synagogue told The Jerusalem Post. "It is easy to be holy and spiritually connected on Yom Kippur, because we disconnect ourselves from the human and mundane. We don’t eat or drink, wear white like angels, pray all day in the synagogue – you can even feel the holiness pulsate through the streets of the secular city of Tel Aviv.""But we are not angels, and our purpose in this world is not be disconnected from the secular world but rather to engage it and sanctify it. The ideal way to serve God is through the holiday of Purim – a day in which we eat, drink, drink a little more, dress in fanciful colors, and have fun, and while doing so, connect to God and spiritual, ethical and moral values."He added that "our mission in life is to find God within nature and current events, serve Him through our day to day life – our business dealings and daily encounters with people - and give meaning and purpose to the mundane."Jews across the world connect to the spirit of Purim by reading the megillah, sending gifts to friends (mishloach manot), giving charity to the poor (matanot la'evyonim) and finally, as the holiday draws to an end, participate in a joyous festive meal (mishteh).Here is where you can fulfill your mitzvot and elevate your Purim this year!Tel Aviv International SynagogueThe International Synagogue is the place to see and to be seen this Purim! Co-sponsored by the Tel Aviv municipality, the Wednesday evening event features a live concert, a festive megillah reading with simultaneous translation to sign language, an open bar with cocktails, wine, beer and arak, a magic show for the little guests and mishloach manot for all children.Wednesday, February 28, 2018
7 pm: Children's magic show with Reuti Tuti8 pm: Concert featuring Shmulik Yeshurun & Band8:30 pm: Festive megillah reading, simultaneous translation to sign language9:15: After Party23 Frishman, Tel Avivmore informationThe North Central SynagogueWant to hear the Megillah with plenty of lechayims? Feel like Indian curry will be the perfect hangover food for Purim day? Want to start Purim day giving back to the community and volunteering at Ichilov hospital? The North Central Synagogue offers a variety of events all throughout the holiday to fill that Purim-shaped hole in your life.Wednesday, February 28, 20186:45 pm: Festive megillah reading and lechayims (opportunity to give machatsit hashekel and matanot la'evyonim)Thursday, March 1, 201810:45 am: Volunteering at Ichilov hospital, more information12:15 pm: Megillah reading at Ichilov hospital1:00 pm: Megillah reading, White City Purim Indian Curry Feast (RSVP required, free admission)126 Ben Yehuda, Tel Avivmore informationInspired Tel AvivThe community center on Bar Kokhva is known for its weekly lectures and regular Friday night meals. On Purim, they offer a variety of events to get all your mitzvot in, get inspired, and, of course, have a great time.Thursday, March 1, 201810:30 am: Volunteering at an elderly home (Shaul Khada 10, Bnei Brak)1:00 pm: Volunteering at the children's ward of Wolfson Hospital (Holon)4:30 pm: Megillah Reading5:00 pm: ITV Purim Party and Meal (RSVP required)54 Bar Kokhba, Tel Avivmore information and ticketsChabad on the Coast & Young Jewish ProfessionalsChabad on the Coast transports you to another world this Purim, celebrating the holiday in Morocco. The night before, their off-shoot organization Young Jewish Professionals (YJP) will host the "ultimate party before the parties" with a delicious dinner, several multimedia megillah readings throughout the night, an open bar, entertainment and a DJ in a prime location.Wednesday, February 28, 20188:30 pm: YJP Ultimate Purim pre-game party (RSVP required)9:00 pm: First megillah readingZOA HOUSE, 1 Daniel Frisch, Tel Avivmore information and ticketsThursday, March 1, 20184:00 pm: Interactive Drum Circle4:45 pm: Megillah reading5:15 pm: Moroccan feast, lechayims and music (RSVP required)18 Bar Kokhba, Tel AvivSend us your best pictures in costume to for a chance to be featured!