Netanyahu is lying, IDF has achieved a lot in Gaza - IDF Major-General

Gadi Shamni critiques IDF response to Hezbollah, warns of deterrence erosion, calls for Gaza action, and blames Netanyahu for Israel's weakened position against threats.

 A building in Kiryat Shmona that was hit by a Hezbollah rocket  (photo credit: Eyal margolin / Flash 90)
A building in Kiryat Shmona that was hit by a Hezbollah rocket
(photo credit: Eyal margolin / Flash 90)

IDF Maj.-Gen. Gadi Shamni recently commented on the assassination of Sami Abdullah Abu Talib and was asked if the price for his assassination was worth it. Shamni explained his belief that the assassinations are important because they are detrimental to Hezbollah. However, it doesn't matter much in the campaign against the terrorist organization.

"This man had been in power for many years, and there are those below him who have been waiting for him to step aside for many years. It is quite clear that today, someone is replacing him. It definitely hurts, but this does not paralyze Hezbollah. It does not change its operational capabilities."

"Is it worth it or not? Listen, I think that after such a barrage is hijacked and such damage is caused, and we do not see a very significant response from the IDF to the barrage, we have a problem. There is a regression here, actually, from the first stage of this war. Hezbollah succeeded in bringing the State of Israel into a war of attrition. It's against Hezbollah and all the Shiite militias in the region."

Shamni further stated that IDF military operation in Gaza should be ended as soon as possible and criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, "Netanyahu is lying because the army briefs him and tells him exactly what the situation is. The IDF has achievements in Gaza. Hezbollah does not want an all-out campaign, but they have already kept the North demilitarized for eight months."

 A Hamas flag at a pro-Palestinian demonstration in New York  (credit: REUTERS/EDUARDO MUNOZ)
A Hamas flag at a pro-Palestinian demonstration in New York (credit: REUTERS/EDUARDO MUNOZ)

"This is very serious because it invites more attacks and trouble for us. It weakens Israel. We understand that all his stories about victory being around the corner are not legitimate. Here is a prime minister who has been in power for more than 15 years, who has made alliances with the worst of Israel's enemies, funded Hamas, and allowed Hezbollah to violate UN resolution 1701. This interaction is only getting worse, and so are we."

What did Shamni say about the IDF's ability to fight on two fronts?

"Deterrence is impossible to ignore. I think there is one clear connection: the IDF is a small army. It's very important to deal with more than one front in a significant way."

"The IDF was unable to create a significant threat to Hezbollah to deter it, even to reduce the threat in the north slightly. [Northern Israel] is completely deserted. Until we deprive Hamas of its capabilities, first and foremost its underground system, we won't eliminate Hamas. The engagement of the high-quality forces of the IDF in Gaza means the IDF is unable to create a significant threat in northern Israel."

Shamni concluded his remarks by criticizing the government: "There is no balance of power. What is the Israeli government doing? It is passing a corrupt draft law that exempts 25 percent of eligible soldiers. In 10 years, it will be about 40 percent. The State of Israel will not be able to exist in this way; we will have no way to cope."