Gal Gadot, Jimmy Fallon taste-test traditional holiday dishes, Taco Bell
During the segment, Fallon introduced Gadot to her first taste of egg nog. As a trade, Gadot introduced Fallon to his first sufganiyot.
By ZACHARY KEYSERActor Gal Gadot arrives to attend the National Board of Review awards gala in New York, U.S., January 9, 2018(photo credit: LUCAS JACKSON/REUTERS)Israeli actress Gal Gadot and NBC's The Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon sat down again, this time virtually, to taste-test different foods that the other has never experienced before, which play a part in American and Israeli holiday culture."The last time you were on our show you tried a Reese's peanut butter cup for the first time," Fallon said to Gadot."Right, and it was a very nice experience," Gadot answered.During the segment, Fallon introduced Gadot to her first taste of egg nog, a traditional Christmas beverage that comes in both alcoholic and non-alcoholic variations."This is a holiday classic, that I personally love, that you've never had before, it's called egg nog," Fallon explained."Is it safe to drink? Is it with alcohol?" Gadot asked, after picking up and then studying the cup of nog laid next to her."Of course it's safe. Normally you put rum in it, but you don't have to. You can have it non-alcoholic," Fallon said. "But nog was a holiday thing, it's very festive with a little cinammon in there.""But the egg is cooked? Like it's ok, it's been pastuerized?" Gadot asked.Fallon went on to explain that there is no cooked clumps of egg that she will find in there, and quelled her fears that she would get salmonella poisoning from drinking uncooked eggs."It's just called egg nog, I honestly don't even know if what you're drinking has egg remotely," Fallon chuckled.
After Gadot tried the beverage, the two had a comical exchange about how egg nog is an acquired taste, and probably goes best with rum.As a trade, Gadot introduced Fallon to his first sufganiyot."See this is how much I like you," Gadot said. "Because I bring you sufganiyot, for Hannukah, and this is just basically fried dough filled with jelly."While most Americans have obviously had their fair share of jelly donuts in the past, many outside the Jewish community are unaware of the significance it holds around the time of Hannukah."What's it called again? Suf-suf.." Fallon asked."Sufganiya," Gadot answered."Su-kin-ya?" Fallon said, having trouble pronouncing the term."Bless you," Gadot quipped, after which the two both laughed and Fallon started sneezing saying the misproununciation."Sufganiya," she reiterated.Fallon tested the dish and sparked a face of amazement after his first bite."That is un-un-un-unbelievable. That's delicious, and one of the best jelly donuts I have ever had. I'm gonna have another bite, I loved it," he said.Next up was the classic snack cakes, Ho Hos, which are cylindrical chocolate-frosted chocolate cakes filled with cream making a pinwheel design on the inside. They are absolutely delicious."Who came [up] with the name?" Gadot asked."Umm, Santa," Fallon joked.Gadot took a bite of the snack cake, and after a moment commented that "it was really sweet. It's good, it's soft, it's delicious and I'm enjoying it. And I'm gonna have another bite. The Ho Ho is good."Although nothing to do with the holidays, one of the greatest American past-times has to be showing up at Taco Bell at two in the morning, starving with a car full of your buddies, and ordering close to everything on the menu."This is a treat for me, because I am very excited about this. I can't believe you've never had this. Taco Bell," Fallon said."Never, never had it. I don't even know what it's gonna look like," Gadot said, as Fallon nearly pulls out his hair in astonishment.Gadot pulled out one of the tacos set before her, took a bite and her eyes lit up."Those eyes are sparkling," Fallon said, as Gadot gives the thumbs up. "That was a win!""This is the best so far," she said. "Wow, this is amazing I can't believe I never tried it."On the menu next, while not everyone's favorite, was gefilte fish."I am sorry," Gadot said. "Did they bring any horseradish next to it?""No," he said."That's a problem," Gadot answered, as Fallon puts a trash can on his desk alluding to the possibility of him vomiting. "You're gonna have a bad impression on gefilte fish.""This looks like floating balls," he quipped, with a nervous look on his face. "And it's like a thick gravy juice.""It's not gravy it's jelly, from the gelatin of the bone of the fish," Gadot explained, as Fallon involuntarily began heaving, holding back his stomach.Fallon grabbed a pair of tongs and began picking it up carefully - holding his breath - as if he was trying to grab his phone out of the toilet. Placed it on the plate and said, "This looks like a meatball.""I'll eat my Taco Bell, while you eat this," Gadot said, grinning as Fallon looked to be struggling."So it's like a fish meatball?" he asked hesitantly, to which Gadot replied "Just shove it in already! Don't think about it too much."Fallon quickly takes a bite, with a look of disgust."Chew, chew, chew!" Gadot said, as Fallon look of disgust soon turns to contempt. "Is it ok? It's ok! It's growing on you.""Is it growing on me? Where?" Fallon quipped. "Not bad."Fallon added that "if they changed the way it looked and the packaging" plus a little bit of horseradish then it would be better."Jimmy fallon likes gefilte fish. Success. I've done my job," Gadot concluded.Ah, you've got to love the holidays.