Every week dostories365 in collaboration with The Jerusalem Post will bring you slices of Israeli life. This week - Ido's Story showcases a terror victim who turned his life around through fitness.
By jpost.1eye.us STAFFTo Live Again- Ido's Story (Tsipi Karlik/dostories365)
Looking for a closer look at life in Israel? dostories365 is a social documentary platform that aims to bring to light political and social issues making waves in the country. The films examine Israel through its local, unknown heroes and through stories unique to the country and its people.Tsipi Karlik, the founder of dostories365, is a journalist, director and cinematographer. Every weekThe Jerusalem Post is featuring a new story from the Israeli Life in Docs series.This week, we bring you a story about a young man who survived a terror attack in Tel Aviv and opened a fitness studio across the street from the spot he was almost killed.