Houthis claim they will unveil new kamikaze drone boat

Recently, Houthis have switched to using new kamikaze drone boats in attacks, which have proven more effective than their flying drones and ballistic missiles.

 A Houthi fighter stands on the Galaxy Leader cargo ship in the Red Sea in this photo released November 20, 2023. (photo credit: Houthi Military Media/Handout via REUTERS)
A Houthi fighter stands on the Galaxy Leader cargo ship in the Red Sea in this photo released November 20, 2023.
(photo credit: Houthi Military Media/Handout via REUTERS)

A spokesperson for the Iranian-backed Houthis claimed on June 30 that the group will soon unveil a new “military boat” which is ‘furnished with advanced technology and destructive power,” Iran’s state media IRNA claimed. This was based on a statement by the Houthis to their own media in Yemen, the Al-Masirah news network, in which the Houthis made these claims on the evening of June 29.

The Houthis have switched to using new kamikaze drone boats in attacks, which have proven more effective than their flying drones and ballistic missiles. The boats sit low in the water and appear to be converted from various types of small speed boats or fishing boats, making them difficult to detect.

Large commercial ships have no defenses against boats like this, and a large commercial ship likely cannot outrun them. US and partner navies can sink the boats but must first be able to detect them and know where they are heading. In a large ocean such as the coast of Yemen or the Red Sea, this is difficult.

The Houthis reportedly said they will soon release images of their new boat.

“According to the spokesman, the boat is the same vessel the Yemeni army used nearly a week ago to attack the Transworld Navigator ship in the Red Sea. He said images of that attack will be released as well.” This indicates that the boat will be a type of drone boat or kamikaze vessel.

According to US Central Command (CENTCOM) on June 23, “Iranian-backed Houthis struck the Transworld Navigator, a Liberian-flagged, Greek-owned, and operated bulk cargo carrier in a suspected uncrewed aerial system (UAS) attack. Today, at 4 a.m. (Sanaa time), the crew reported minor injuries and moderate damage to the ship, but the vessel has continued underway.

repeat attacks on Transworld Navigator

The Transworld Navigator most recently docked in Malaysia and was en route to Egypt. This marks the fourth attack by Iranian-backed Houthis on the Transworld Navigator. There were no injuries on US or coalition vessels.” The Transworld Navigator was attacked several times, one of the attacks was apparently by a drone boat.

CENTCOM has previously destroyed numerous drone boats. On June 23, CENTCOM said they had “successfully destroyed three Iranian-backed Houthi uncrewed surface vessels (USV) in the Red Sea.”

A report at Seatrade Maritime notes that “according to defense specialists Ambrey, the Houthi’s first successfully used a Remote Controlled-Water Borne Improvised Explosive Device (RC-WBIED) on June 12 when another Liberia-flagged bulk carrier, Tutor, was impacted off Yemen’s Red Sea coast, near Hodeida. The impact of the maritime drone caused the engine room to flood. Three hours thereafter, the vessel was targeted with a missile. One crewmember was reportedly killed following the attack, making this the second incident with crew fatality.”

The Iranians agree with this assessment, and according to Iranian state media, “Since mid-November, Yemen has been attacking Israeli ships or any vessels heading to ports of occupied Palestine in a show of support for the Palestinian people in war-ravaged Gaza. Yemen has said that its attacks will continue until the Israeli regime stops its war on Gaza and lifts its blockade of the territory,” IRNA claimed.

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Overall, the picture is clear. The Houthis are using more drone boats in their attacks.