Large-scale infiltration: Shin Bet reveals 12 instances of espionage on behalf of Iran

Some of the suspects even transferred information and photographed facilities and sites classified by the security establishment as sensitive.

 The silhouette of a man, seen over the flag of the Islamic Republic of Iran (illustrative) (photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)
The silhouette of a man, seen over the flag of the Islamic Republic of Iran (illustrative)
(photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

The Shin Bet raised concerns regarding what extent Iran has attempted to infiltrate Israel after the security agency uncovered 12 espionage cases involving Israeli citizens working for Iran within several months. 

These are unprecedented numbers for the Shin Bet. Even during the Iron Curtain era, Soviet intelligence agencies did not operate such a large number of spies in Israel, and there were certainly no Israeli citizens who chose to betray their country and spy for the enemy.

The Shin Bet has also been troubled by the fact that the Iranians do not recruit spies based on a particular profile. “We see a variety of citizens being recruited for espionage tasks by Iran, ranging from ultra-Orthodox citizens, new immigrants, minorities, and citizens leading ordinary secular bourgeois lifestyles,” said a security official.

The Iranians have been running their infiltration operations through social media networks. “They recruit using a ‘fishing’ method. Unfortunately, we have come across citizens who knew they were acting on behalf of the Iranians, and in interrogations, they even admitted hearing about other citizens being exposed for working with Iran to undermine the state of Israel. Despite this, they still agreed to spy and operate,” the security official added.

The security establishment estimated that some of the 12 espionage cells uncovered by the Shin Bet in recent months have caused damage to Israel's security.

Shin Bet and Police forces arrest two residents in Mas'ada on suspicion of espionage for Iran (credit: Israel Police).

Some of the suspects even transferred information and photographed facilities and sites classified by the security establishment as sensitive.

Missiles launched at Israel from Iran

The security establishment also noted that Iran directly launched hundreds of missiles at various sites in Israel during two attacks it carried out over the past year.

The security establishment claimed that, beyond the classic espionage activities Iran sought to advance through Israeli citizens, it also instructed them to engage in subversive actions to destabilize Israel.

Tasks assigned to the Israeli recruits included organizing and distributing posters on controversial issues within Israeli society, activities causing property damage, and planning attacks on senior security officials, political figures, and even heads of local authorities.