Ohad Naharin and Nicole Krauss (photo credit: Brenden Rains)
Ohad Naharin and Nicole Krauss
(photo credit: Brenden Rains)

Batsheva dance company meets with their American Friends organization


After an absence of more than two years, during which the members of the Batsheva dance company did not go on tours abroad due to the coronavirus crisis, members of the company’s management met last week in New York with members of its American Friends organization.

Dina Eldor, the company’s CEO, Gili Navot, the artistic director, and Ohad Naharin, the house choreographer, spent an evening led by Nurit Amdur, chairman of the American friends of the Batsheva dance company, which was dedicated to Naharin’s next film “Hora - The Movie.”

The meeting included a conversation between Naharin and the writer Nicole Krauss with one hundred guests in attendance, including famous actor Liev Schreiber and directors Darren Aranofsky and Yuval Haddadi.

Liev Schreiber (Credit:  Brenden Rains)
Liev Schreiber (Credit: Brenden Rains)

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