Podcast: From Tel Aviv, a story of hope for Orlando
This week's podcast explores the LGBT community's ability to overcome horrific events and tragedies, and come out stronger on the other side.
By PODCASTPodcast: From Tel Aviv, a story of hope for OrlandoThis week’s shooting at the Pulse night club in Orlando, Florida, the worst mass shooting in US history and the deadliest terror attack there since 9/11, was first and foremost a human tragedy. Forty-nine people were murdered, and 53 wounded.There is much to think and say about the various facets of the shooting, but today, on the JPost Podcast, we’re going to focus on one through the lens of an Israeli story: the status of the LGBT community, how much progress has been made, and how much remains to be done.It’s a story about how this year’s Tel Aviv pride parade was almost canceled, at the behest of the LGBT community itself, and a reminder of how the LGBT community has proven its ability to overcome horrific events and tragedies, and come out stronger on the other side.