Playboy model: Donald Trump Jr. had sex with me in gay club bathroom

Singer and Playboy model Aubrey O'Day disclosed details of her affair with Donald Trump Jr., stating it began in the bathroom of a gay club, despite his current anti-LGBTQ views.

Donald Trump Jr. speaks to young people waiting to hear his father, U.S. President Donald Trump, deliver an "Address to Young Americans" at the Dream City Church in Phoenix, Arizona, U.S., June 23, 2020 (photo credit: REUTERS/CARLOS BARRIA)
Donald Trump Jr. speaks to young people waiting to hear his father, U.S. President Donald Trump, deliver an "Address to Young Americans" at the Dream City Church in Phoenix, Arizona, U.S., June 23, 2020

Singer, former Playboy model, and TV personality Aubrey O'Day recently revealed in a podcast interview that her first sexual encounter with Donald Trump Jr. as part of their illicit affair was in the bathroom of a club catering to the LGBT community.

Back in 2018, it was revealed that the younger Trump had cheated on his then-wife with O'Day. The affair between them began during the production of the fifth season of the reality show Celebrity Apprentice, where they met in late 2011. A source close to O'Day shared with Us Weekly that their relationship escalated towards the end of the show's recording.

Allegedly, their affair spanned from late 2011 to March 2012, while Vanessa, Trump Jr.'s wife at the time, was pregnant with their third child. Trump Jr. and Vanessa have since divorced.

Did Donald Trump Jr. and Aubrey O'Day have the first sexual encounter of their affair in a gay club bathroom?

During her appearance on Michael Cohen's Mea Culpa podcast, O'Day, now 39 years old, recalled the circumstances surrounding her first time having sex with Trump Jr.

She explained that she had invited him to a well-known gay club in New York, emphasizing its prominence as a major hub for the LGBTQ community where attendees were either scantily clad or partially nude.

Donald Trump Jr. (R) watches his father Republican US presidential candidate Donald Trump leave the stage on the night of the Iowa Caucus (credit: JIM BOURG / REUTERS)
Donald Trump Jr. (R) watches his father Republican US presidential candidate Donald Trump leave the stage on the night of the Iowa Caucus (credit: JIM BOURG / REUTERS)

Contrary to her expectations, O'Day expressed surprise that Donald Jr., who currently expresses strong anti-LGBTQ views, appeared comfortable in that environment.

She later saw derogatory jokes about the gay community on his Instagram, which led her to reflect on how at ease he was in the gay club, as well as how their first time having sex was in the club's bathroom.

Moreover, O'Day claimed that they had already established an emotional connection beforehand. She stated that they started falling in love while working together in 2011. 

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At the time of the alleged affair, Trump Jr. was married to his first wife, Vanessa Trump, with whom he shares five children. It was reported that Trump Jr. expressed his seriousness about his relationship with O'Day to Vanessa, even going as far as to allegedly inform her that he was leaving her because of this. However, a second source claimed that it was Trump Jr.'s family who urged him to maintain his marriage.

Expressing her disappointment in Trump Jr.'s transformation into a politician, O'Day stated that she no longer recognizes him. Despite previously considering him her soulmate, she now finds it impossible to love the person he has become. In an interview with Page Six, O'Day described how much she loved him but expressed her disappointment in the choices he has made.

Trump Jr. has not publicly addressed the alleged affair and did not respond to Page Six's request for comment.