Time to cut off the head of the octopus: Iran - opinion
If we give up and appease Iran and Qatar, like Chamberlain tried to appease Nazi Germany, we could be dragged into another world war.
By VAHID BEHESHTI THE WRITER addresses an event of the Middle East Forum in Congress March 2024. (photo credit: MIDDLE EAST FORUM)
The elimination of senior Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps officers in Syria this week is a huge shot of encouragement to the Iranian people who dream of getting rid of the ayatollah regime that conquered their country 45 years ago.Most Iranians share this dream, some openly, most in secret, including those who work for the regime. There are many among them whose support is fake, a mask worn out of a necessity to survive.In the past, the Iranians have tried several times to overthrow the government themselves but failed due to the murderous brutality of the regime.
The regime is weak. It is a paper tiger that has no legitimacy from the people. The ayatollah rules only through boundless brutality.The regime can be overthrown, but for this we need help from the outside.
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi visits the military equipment of IRGC Navy in Bandar Abbas, Iran, February 2, 2024. (credit: IRAN'S PRESIDENCY/WANA (WEST ASIA NEWS AGENCY)/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS)First, the international community must understand that there is no choice – that the overthrow of the regime must be achieved. Regional and global peace and security depend on it.
The Islamic Republic of Iran is a real existential threat
The Islamic Republic of Iran is a real existential threat to Israel, to the region, to Europe, to the United States and to the entire West. We dare not underestimate this regime. They have an ideology, patience, determination, orderly plan and large budget. Those who have the impression that the country or its people are poor should understand that it isn’t because the regime has no money. It simply does not share the country’s wealth with the people. The regime invests all the money in developing its power, in weapons, in violence, because that’s the only way it can survive and realize its fanatic ideology.
The regime is working to break up the West from within. They use democracy to fight democracies. They radicalize the youth in the United States and Europe, finance media and propaganda, and support universities, in cooperation with Qatar, and with the support of Russia and China. Just a few days ago, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said in his meeting with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh that their propaganda war is succeeding, and subsequently released a tweet, declaring: “War also takes place within the media, whoever has the strongest media in their hands will succeed in achieving the goals they seek.”The message of the Iranian people to the various regional threats by Iran’s many violent proxies is to not waste time and energy on the octopus’s tentacles. If the head is not destroyed, it will continue to grow more tentacles, even if one is eliminated, in the Middle East and all over the world.The focus must be on the head.Finally, this week, Israel took the first serious step in this regard.The only way to keep attacking is not to be afraid to attack the bases of the IRGC, the symbols of the regime, and its leaders. We have a window of opportunity, and we dare not miss it.When Iran has nuclear weapons, it will be too late. They will not hesitate to use it. This is neither North Korea nor the Soviet Union. This is a fanatical murderous extremist ideology.When the Iranian people realize that the West is serious about the overthrow of the Iranian regime and is ready to go all the way, they will join.I know this, I know these people. I am part of them, and from my throat I carry the voice of tens of millions who are afraid. I’m not afraid to speak my mind.This is why I came to Israel to meet with the people and speak in the Knesset as well as recently in the US Congress, both at the invitation of the Middle East Forum.In the name of the Iranian people, I call for a struggle to the end of the regime. Don’t stop, don’t let them get stronger and don’t think they are deterred.Don’t make the mistake made before October 7, because a mistake or miscalculation of the intentions of Iran will be far worse. I call on all free countries to support us. Join us, please don’t be afraid, and don’t play a double game.Today is a time of great historical tests, like that of 1938.If we give up and appease Iran and Qatar, like Chamberlain tried to appease Nazi Germany, we could be dragged into another world war. Only this time it will be much more bloody.This is the moment. Don’t hesitate. Together, we will win! The writer is a prominent Iranian opposition leader based in London, and a former political prisoner in Iran.