Doing business with Israel: The time is now - opinion

The world needs nations like Israel, and Israel needs partners willing to invest in its future. It’s time to act. The opportunity is here.

 THE YOKNE’AM High-Tech Park, in Lower Galilee: Israel’s high-tech sector, bolstered by advances in artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, is second to none, the writer asserts. (photo credit: MICHAEL GILADI/FLASH90)
THE YOKNE’AM High-Tech Park, in Lower Galilee: Israel’s high-tech sector, bolstered by advances in artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, is second to none, the writer asserts.
(photo credit: MICHAEL GILADI/FLASH90)

As the global business community looks for new opportunities in a volatile world, one nation stands out for its innovation, resilience, and capacity to thrive under pressure – Israel.

Respected for its cutting-edge high-tech and defense markets, Israel remains a beacon of technological prowess and democratic values. Despite facing ongoing threats from Islamic terror organizations, now is precisely the right time to engage with and invest in the Jewish state.

In 2022, Israel exported an impressive $166.57 billion in goods, a testament to the strength of its economy and the global demand for its products. Yet, the story doesn’t stop there.

As Israel defends itself against terror attacks, especially in its northern region, many companies shy away from doing business. It’s easy to understand their hesitancy – war is unsettling, and the images of rockets hitting towns are difficult to ignore. However, these companies are missing the broader picture: Israel is not only functioning but thriving, and it presents an unprecedented opportunity for those willing to look beyond the headlines.

The international export trade in Israel remains vibrant, even under the threat of conflict. This is because the country has built a robust infrastructure, immune to short-term disruptions. Its high-tech sector, bolstered by advances in artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, is second to none. Israel now offers the finest solutions in these areas at the most competitive rates, making it a unique player in the global market.

 Big tech (illustrative). (credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)
Big tech (illustrative). (credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

For international businesses seeking to invest in innovation, security, and defense, there is no better partner than Israel. The nation’s expertise in counterterrorism technology is unparalleled, and its AI-driven advancements are revolutionizing industries from healthcare to finance.

Companies that collaborate with Israel today will find themselves at the cutting edge of technology, benefiting from the country’s world-leading solutions at prices that are more favorable than ever before. Still, the benefits of doing business with Israel go beyond economic gain.

By supporting this democratic state, the global business community plays a critical role in strengthening a vital ally in the fight against terrorism. Israel is not only defending its borders; it is standing on the front lines of a broader global struggle against Islamic extremism.

Supporting Israel

Supporting Israel is, therefore, not just about making smart business decisions – it’s about upholding the values of freedom, democracy, and security. It’s about defeating the psychological warfare waged by Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Qatar to isolate Israel’s economy.

The global business community must ask itself: Doesn’t it want a share of that $166.57 billion export market? Isn’t it time to stand by a nation that is both a technological powerhouse and a defender of Western ideals?

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The time to do business with Israel is not tomorrow – it’s today. While rockets may fly from Lebanon, Israel’s economy soars higher, offering a unique opportunity for those brave enough to seize it. Now is the time to partner with Israel, not only for the financial rewards but also for the chance to stand on the right side of history.

The world needs nations like Israel, and Israel needs partners willing to invest in its future. It’s time to act. The opportunity is here.

The writer is president of Leyden Communications Israel, a crisis communications, public affairs, and digital PR organization with offices in New York and Ra’anana. He has served as an officer in the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit and as a senior media/cross-cultural communications, social media consultant to Israel’s Foreign Ministry.