This week, host Eve Young, economics correspondent for The Jerusalem Post, interviews Gili Fleekop and Noam Biton, the co-founders of Pink Chili - a boutique, gen-Z social media agency. Noam and Gili will explain what makes their approach different and why authenticity and "showing rather than telling" are so critical in social media marketing these days.
They will share about the challenges of working in the world of social media and being a proudly Israeli company in an age where anti-Israel sentiment is commonplace online. Noam and Gili will also share the challenges of founding a company in Israel and how they combine American and Israeli know-how to give Pink Chili an edge.
Join Eve Young as she delves into the heart of Israel's tech and business scenes and uncovers the groundbreaking ideas and visionary minds working to shape the future. Join her each week as she shines a spotlight on the latest trends and entrepreneurial spirit, propelling Israel to the forefront of global innovation.
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