Trump paints Harris's border policy as reason for surge in antisemitism

Former President Trump delivered a speech on combating antisemitism, linking immigration to rising anti-Jewish sentiment and proposing measures to protect Jewish Americans.

 Republican presidential nominee and former U.S. President Trump participates in a "Fighting Anti-Semitism in America Event" in Washington (photo credit: REUTERS)
Republican presidential nominee and former U.S. President Trump participates in a "Fighting Anti-Semitism in America Event" in Washington
(photo credit: REUTERS)

In a speech on fighting antisemitism in Washington, D.C, former President Donald Trump attempted to tie his chief campaign issue of immigration with the wave of rising antisemitism seen across the United States in the aftermath of October 7. 

"Under border czar Harris, armies of foreign hamas sympathizers march brazenly through our cities, they come from some very vicious violent parts of the world. They do not like Jewish people, they do not like Israel, and they let that be known," Trump said. "And we are not going to tolerate it. I will not let what happened to Paris, what happened to London, and what's happening to them too, by the way, that's not over; what happened to Brussels, happen here in America. It's not gonna happen."

Trump added, "We will deport the foreign jihad sympathizers and Hamas supporters from our midst.  We will get them out of our country."

Trump said he would ban refugee resettlement from "terror-infested areas" like the Gaza Strip. 

Trump read mostly from the teleprompter during his almost 40 minute speech, going off script about polls at both the beginning and end. 

 Republican presidential nominee and former U.S. President Trump participates in a ''Fighting Anti-Semitism in America Event'' in Washington (credit: REUTERS)
Republican presidential nominee and former U.S. President Trump participates in a ''Fighting Anti-Semitism in America Event'' in Washington (credit: REUTERS)

He began with his standard line that October 7 wouldn't have happened if he were president. 

"I always have to preface it by saying that," he said. "Innocent babies maimed, tortured, killed, it was a wake-up call for the entire world. Instead, here in America, Jewish citizens are forced to endure the worst antisemitism in generations."

Israel had the strongest lobby 15 years ago, he said. 

"If you said something bad about Israel or a Jewish person, you were out of politics. Today, you have to fight; we all have to fight for Israel," Trump said. "We're gonna win the fight, so don't worry about it."

Trump said, "All across our land, you've seen Jewish Americans harassed and attacked by Hamas sympathizers."

"Yet presiding over this explosion of antisemitism...Kamala Harris has done nothing," Trump said. "Not lifted a finger to protect you or your children."

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Trump said this "ugly tide of antisemitism' will be "turned back and crushed" at noon on Jan. 20, 2025. 

Jewish Americans will "no longer have to walk the streets in fear, young college students afraid to go college will no longer be threatened on campuses and no longer discriminated against in admissions," he said.

"No longer will your government import jihads from places we don't want to talk about," Trump added.

He called on Harris to disavow Hamas sympathizers and Jew haters on college campuses.

"She won't do that. She'll talk, talk, talk about nothing," he said. 

Trump then repeated his now-infamous talking point about Jewish Democrats. 

"It hurts me to say this: you'll still vote for Democrats. I say all the time, any Jewish person that votes for her or any Democrat, especially now, should have their head examined," Trump said to applause. "I just find it so hard to believe. Part of it is habit, I guess."

Trump's Antisemitism Plan

Trump then outlined his plan for combating antisemitism. 

"Here's what I will do," he said. "The first week back in the Oval Office, I will inform every college president that if you don't end antisemitic propaganda, you will lose your accreditation and federal support."

Trump said he will then inform every educational institution that if they permit violence or threats against Jewish students, they will be held accountable for violations of civil rights law. 

However, Trump has also vowed to dismantle the federal Department of Education, the bureau responsible for both managing higher education accrediting agencies and for upholding federal civil rights law in education. 

Trump also said he'd "move to restore safety for Jewish people on the streets."

"I will be your defender, your protector, the best friend Jewish Americans ever had in the White House," Trump said. "You know that. But in all fairness, I already am. I am the best defender you've had by far."

This speech was Trump's first of two on Thursday night addressing the Jewish community, as he's also the keynote speaker of the Israeli-American Council's national summit.