Israeli wines raise Brazilian spirits

Wine-tasting event held at home of Israeli Ambassador in Brasilia.

 Winwise Sarona Market branch (photo credit: Courtesy of Winewise LTD)
Winwise Sarona Market branch
(photo credit: Courtesy of Winewise LTD)

In early March, the Israeli embassy held a wine-tasting event at the home of Israeli ambassador Daniel Zonshine for local winemakers, influencers, restaurant owners and journalists.

A number of Israeli wines from different regions of the country were served, including Shoresh from the Tzora Vineyards in the Judean Hills, Yiron from the Galil Mountain Winery, Trio from the Pelter Winery in the Golan Heights, and Yarden Syrah, Yarden Sauvignon Blanc, and Gamla (Viognier - Chardonnay) from the Golan Heights Winery. At the conclusion of the evening, Israeli single malt whiskey and gin produced by the Milk and Honey Distillery in Tel Aviv were brought out for the guests.

The event was accompanied by Israeli food prepared by Liora Zonshine, cultural attaché and wife of the ambassador. Participants in the event greatly enjoyed the combination of unique Israeli wines, most of which they had never tasted, the Israeli food, and an overview of wine culture in the land of Israel from Biblical times to the present day, including the different regions where grapes are grown in the Holy Land.

 Guests at the Israeli Ambassador's house in Brasilia (Credit: Israeli embassy in Brazil)
Guests at the Israeli Ambassador's house in Brasilia (Credit: Israeli embassy in Brazil)

Positive articles describing the event were published in social columns, on social networks and blogs written by influential wine enthusiasts. Many followers on social networks interacted with the publications about the event and have become interested in Israeli wines and Israeli wine culture