US Rep. Chip Roy: Biden must stand with Israel against terrorism

"We should encourage the killing of terrorists, not negotiating with them," United States Representative Chip Roy said at a Stand with Israel conference on Thursday.

US Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) leaves a House Republican Caucus candidates forum for the running of GOP conference chair, the third ranking leadership position, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (photo credit: REUTERS/ EVELYN HOCKSTEIN)
US Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) leaves a House Republican Caucus candidates forum for the running of GOP conference chair, the third ranking leadership position, on Capitol Hill in Washington.
United States Representative Chip Roy spoke at a Stand with Israel conference on Thursday, expressing his support for Israel's right to defend itself and requested that the Biden Administration discourage terrorism, instead of continuously funding culprits of the violence. 

"The Biden administration should stop negotiating with Iran and reject their so called deal," Roy demanded.

He stated his disapproval of the US decision to move forward with the Iran deal, as it provides "billions of dollars to an Iranian regime that then takes those dollars and supports entities like Hamas that are then targeting Israel and undermining our national security in the process." 
Though a ceasefire agreement was agreed upon between Israel and Hamas on Thursday, Roy explained that such a ceasefire is not enough to end the violence because it doesn't deal with the "source of the conflict, which is Hamas and its puppet masters in Tehran."
"We should encourage the killing of terrorists, not negotiating with them," Roy declared. 
Roy commended Israel on its strategies to minimize civilian deaths when targeting terrorists, including giving warnings to innocent people to vacate buildings it intends to attack and the use of Iron Dome to intercept missile fire. 
"Israel not only has a right to defend itself, but it has an obligation, a duty, to defend itself," Roy justified Israel's attacks on Hamas  terror facilities in Gaza, adding that the United States has a duty to stand with its ally, Israel, as well. 
US President Joe Biden also underscored that "the US fully supports Israel's right to protect itself against indiscriminate rocket attacks from Hamas and other Gaza terror groups that have taken the lives of innocent civilians in Israel."
Roy demanded in the press conference that Biden put action to his words.
"We need the President of the United States to represent the People of the United States. And the People of the United States Stand with Israel. It’s time that the president reflect that will," Roy concluded. 
Roy also called on the President not to heed "musings of our House colleagues that are effectively in the Hamas squad."
Statements such as those made by Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, who tweeted "Our delay in supporting a ceasefire has caused the slaughter of children and destruction of lives. Now Biden has to push for an end to the occupation," have slammed Israel over the course of its Operation Guardian of the Walls. 

Biden announced later that day that the US would replenish Israel's Iron Dome system "to ensure its defenses and security in the future."