The flight agreement would also allow an unlimited number of flights between Bahrain and Eilat and up to five cargo flights per week.
By LAHAV HARKOV Pilot Tal Becker waves as he departs on the historic flight from Tel Aviv to Abu Dhabi, August 31, 2020(photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH 90)
Israel and Bahrain signed an agreement on Thursday to operate up to 14 passenger flights between Manama and Ben-Gurion Airport each week.Transportation Minister Miri Regev called the agreement “a boost and encouragement for the future of aviation, tourism and trade.”“The peace treaty opens new and fascinated destinations for the Israeli public,” she added.Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi said the agreement “will bring the beginning of a wave of business, economic and tourism growth... will show Israel’s best sides and that our hand is reaching out for peace with countries in the region.”The flight agreement would also allow an unlimited number of flights between Bahrain and Eilat, and up to five cargo flights per week.Flights between the countries are expected to begin next week.The agreement with Bahrain came two days after one between Israel and the United Arab Emirates allowed for up to 112 flights a week, including 28 Etihad and Emirates airlines flights between Tel Aviv and Abu Dhabi and Dubai.Low-cost airlines, like Fly Dubai, are included in the total 112 flights.The ability to fly over the Gulf will also significantly shorten flights between Israel and destinations in Asia and Australia, and the UAE has the potential to displace Istanbul as the popular stopover for flights between Israel and countries to its east.