Quartet talks Israeli-Palestinian peace amid PA push to replace Trump plan

The UN, Russia and the EU stand behind the PA’s call for a two-state resolution to the conflict based on the pre-1967 lines.

An Israeli security man patrols a part of the separation fence near the Jewish settlement of Elkana (photo credit: REUTERS)
An Israeli security man patrols a part of the separation fence near the Jewish settlement of Elkana
(photo credit: REUTERS)
The Palestinian Authority’s push to replace the US as the sole broker for the Israeli-Palestinian peace process failed to yield immediate results as a Quartet video conference on the matter ended without any conclusions.
Quartet representatives discussed Israeli plans to annex portions of the West Bank, including the July 1 deadline for Israel to begin to apply such sovereignty as laid out in the coalition agreement between the Likud and Blue and White parties, according to a person familiar with the discussion.
The US was represented on Friday’s call by Avi Berkowitz, who is an assistant to US President Donald Trump and a special envoy for international negotiations.
While the US did not clarify what its intentions were with regard to the July 1 date, Berkowitz did remind the Quartet that the US is proud of the Vision for Peace, which it unveiled in January of this year, the source said.
The US explained that the PA can engage with its peace process without agreeing to the plan as it is currently written. The authority can suggest “realistic edits, and meaningful compromises,” the source added.
Berkowitz also noted that both Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz have publicly agreed to the Trump plan, which is significant as the plan calls for a Palestinian state, among other Israeli concessions, the source said.
The Quartet is made up of representatives from the US, the European Union, the United Nations and Russia.
Last Wednesday, PA President Mahmoud Abbas wrote to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell and Russian President Vladimir Putin about the necessity of relaunching peace talks through an international conference under the auspices of the Quartet and the UN Security Council.
The US “has disqualified” itself “from any role in the peace process,” PLO Executive Committee Secretary-General Saeb Erekat told Peace Now on Friday. “I know you [the US is] a member of the Security Council. I know you are a member of the Security Council. You are welcome to sit at the [peace] table – but alone, never."
The Russian Foreign Ministry said that Friday’s Quartet video conference, in which its country was represented by Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin, dealt with “ways to restore the peace process.”

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Russia supports a Quartet-led process and would also like to host peace talks between Netanyahu and PA President Mahmoud Abbas, according to the Foreign Ministry. It said that Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, who is also Russia's Special Presidential Representative for the Middle East and Africa, spoke about these issues with Fatah Central Committee member Hussein Sheikh.
The UN, Russia and the EU stand behind the PA’s call for a two-state resolution to the conflict based on the pre-1967 lines, and in line with past international understandings and agreements.
Trump’s plan in contrast calls for a Palestinian state on 70% of the West Bank and allows for Israel to apply sovereignty to the remaining 30% early in the process.
However, the US side reiterated during the call that it is “unwilling to go back to ideas that haven’t worked for decades,” the source said.
Berkowitz said during the call that the US is firmly sticking behind the plan that it put out, but mentioned that the administration is willing to discuss the details of the plan. “It was clear that the plan is meant to be a starting point for the sides to come together and discuss,” the source said.
UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov gave an update on the situation with the Palestinians and the PA’s recent decision to suspend agreements. He explained that the authority's intentions are still unclear, the source said.
The PA has refused to engage with the US peace plan since the Trump administration published its details. Instead, it has threatened to leave all prior agreements. In speaking to the UN Security Council on Wednesday, Mladenov referred to the PA threat as “a cry for help.”
During the call, the sides discussed the idea of a Quartet meeting regarding the peace plan, but it is unclear if any meeting will be arranged, the source added.
Tovah Lazaroff contributed to this report.