Performing new hits such as 'Heaven' and classics such as 'Just Can't get Enough,' Euro-pop band rock Tel Aviv's Hayarkon Park.
By TAL LADODepeche Mode 370(photo credit: Orit Pnini)
Back in 2009 at Depeche Mode’s concert at Ramat Gan Stadium something wasn't right. The sound, the lighting, and the band’s energy - everything was just off. I left the show with a strong sense of a missed opportunity. This Tuesday night at Hayarkon Park, Depeche Mode performed to a Tel Aviv crowd with high expectations. This time there were no missed opportunities. The Euro-pop band did not disappoint.At 8:46 p.m. sharp Dave Gahan, Martin Gore and Andrew Fletcher, backed up by another guitarist and drummer burst on stage with all their glittering glory. Without any unnecessary introductions, they opened with two singles from their new album, Delta Machine: Welcome to my World and Angel. After the two opening numbers, front man Dave Gahan yelled out the mandatory "good evening Tel Aviv", and the collective sigh of relief from the audience could be heard even in Eilat. We were in for a treat.The crowd was on fire while the band fired out hit after hit, with Walking in my Shows, Black Celebration, Precious, and an amazing version to Policy of Truth all played in a row. During the next song, Should be Higher, Gahan made his first trip down the long runway to the center of the golden ring area, and happiness knew no limits.Another spectacular version, this time of Barrel of a Gun, and then it was Martin Gore's turn. The talented guitarist-keyboardist-singer, who some say is the brains behind Depeche Mode, took Gahan's place at the front of the stage with two slow ballads, Only When I Lose Myself and Sooth Your Soul.Before anyone had time to think about where Gahan disappeared to, he got back on stage with the hit single from the new album, Heaven, complete with beautiful video art on the huge screens in the background.At this point I stopped trying to guess what was coming next, and just let myself enjoy the music, and the amazing atmosphere. I said it after the Red Hot Chili Pepper's concert in the park and I'll say it again- these shows bring to mind the beautiful Israelis - no pushing, no bad behavior, no swearing - only people, of all ages and sectors who came to listen to some good music. Absolute pleasure.While I was deep in thought, Gahan kept twisting on stage like some tattooed-glittery snake (and quite a fit one, might I add), with a bone-shattering performance of Question of Time. It was followed by Secret to the End, and right after it the massive hits Enjoy the Silence and Personal Jesus, which came after the most amazing build up ever.The band finished, much too soon to my opinion, with the oh-so-very appropriate, Goodbye, and left the stage. We didn't have to wait too long before they got back on stage - opening the encore part with the slow Home and Halo, and right after that, the moment 95 percent of the crowd were waiting for, Just Can't get Enough. I was feeling a bit disappointed, because I thought the show was going to end with that, and surprisingly, it's not one of my favorite songs. Someone above must have heard me, because a moment later the famous screeching sound of I Feel You intro was heard, and everything was right with the world again. Gahan lost his vest, the crowd lost its mind, and the band moved on to the brilliant Never Let Me Down Again. And they sure didn't this time. Depeche Mode gave the audience everything they wanted and more, and even if it's going to take four more years, I promised myself I'm going to be there for next time. As they say, good things come to those who wait.