Boycotts against Israel are a new form of terrorism - President Herzog

He added that he had no doubt that all the former presidents and prime ministers of Israel would react sharply against BDS in all its forms.

Incoming President Isaac Herzog speaks at the memorial for Yoni Netanyahu  (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)
Incoming President Isaac Herzog speaks at the memorial for Yoni Netanyahu
(photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)
Boycotts against Israel are a new form of terrorism, President Isaac Herzog said on Wednesday. He was speaking at the annual memorial ceremony for deceased  presidents and prime ministers of Israel, which is traditionally hosted by the president in cooperation with the Prime Minister's Office.
Terror in general aims to harm the citizens of Israel and the nation's economy, said Herzog, who added that he had no doubt that all the former presidents and prime ministers of Israel would react sharply against BDS in all its forms.
At Wednesday's event which honored the memories of President Ephraim Katzir and Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, a video with clips of all the deceased presidents Chaim Weizmann, Yitzhak Ben Zvi, Zalman Shazar, Ephraim Katzir, Yitzhak Navon, Chaim Herzog, Ezer Weizman  and Shimon Peres; and deceased prime ministers David Ben Gurion, Moshe Sharett, Levi Eshkol, , Golda Meir, Yitzhak Rabin, Menachem begin,  Yitzhak Shamir, Shimon Peres  and Ariel Sharon were shown.
Gilad Sharon, one of Sharon's two living sons recited Kaddish, the prayer recited at memorial events.
Of the two living former presidents Moshe Katsav and Reuven Rivlin – neither attended.
Of the three living former prime ministers Ehud Barak,  Ehud Olmert and Benjamin Netanyahu, only Olmert was in attendance, was assigned a seat in the front row  and was publicly acknowledged by Herzog.
In his opening remarks, Herzog alluded to the massive publicity that had been given to the decision by the Ben and Jerry ice cream company to cease  the sale of its products in the West Bank.
In stating his belief as to how the former leaders of the state would have reacted to such a boycott, Herzog was absolutely certain that Shamir would be furious.
Herzog said that Israel  must use all means at her disposal to fight such boycotts
Herzog also referred to Shamir's willingness to enter into a unity government with Shimon Peres, something that one would not expect from  an advocate for the Greater Israel Movement and a former commander of Lehi.

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He noted that Shamir had led his government to great achievements that included bringing tens of thousands of immigrants from Ethiopia and the former Soviet Union to Israel..
Even though he was a confirmed right-wing idealogue, Shamir realized the importance of unity and the fact that it was not an edict, but a compromise, said Herzog.
Turning momentarily towards Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Herzog said:  "Mr. Prime Minister, I am aware that you and your colleagues in the government think exactly the same way."
Noting that Katzir was the only president who did not come from a political background, but whose life was dedicated to science, Herzog recalled that much of what Katzir had invented as a young man in the Hagana formed the foundations for Israel's defense industry.
What united all the presidents and prime ministers of Israel said Bennett, was their dedication to the state and its people. He is reminded of them daily, he said as he sits in his office or walks through the Knesset and sees their portraits.
He presented a brief description of the character and deeds of each saying that Israel's history and her present are intertwined.  "We have to remember those who were our leaders and paved the way for us," her said.. "The fathers and grandfathers of some of the people sitting here were the fathers and grandfathers of the nation.
We will continue to remember their contributions and continue their legacies."
There were many more people present than  the number who attended the last such gathering before the COVID19 pandemic.  There was also a much less formal atmosphere as people hugged and kissed each other and shook hands.
Unlike Netanyahu, who used to disappear immediately after the ceremony was over, Bennett hung around and posed happily for selfies, while Herzog was busy mingling , having known many of the people present since he was a child.
At the conclusion of the ceremony, Olmert approached Bennett and whispered in his ear for quite some time.