Celebrating Family Day ? Get offers for brunch that will come to you

In honor of Family Day, the cooks website yummi offers brunch meals for a delicious family time at home, made by 30 chefs who take part in the initiative.

  Family meal - Shabbat meal /  (photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)
Family meal - Shabbat meal /
(photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

The Yami website, which connects selected chefs with people who appreciate home-made, fresh and high-quality cuisine, serves a wide and diverse range of meals in different styles and in a personalized way.

  Cheese and tomato quiche for an effortless family brunch, Yummy site /  (credit: Yummy site)
Cheese and tomato quiche for an effortless family brunch, Yummy site / (credit: Yummy site)

Today, about 100 chefs are active on the site and 30 of them take part in marking Family Day with a family pack of brunch for a home celebration.

The brunch package will be offered in a variety of styles: Indian, Greek, Argentinian, hummus or Sabih, vegan and of course Israeli, with each of them including three types of dishes or pastries, salads to choose from and interesting side dishes.

 Family brunch at Yami website in honor of Family Day (credit: Yummy site)
Family brunch at Yami website in honor of Family Day (credit: Yummy site)

The Greek brunch, for example, will include spanakopita (traditional spinach pastry from Thessaloniki) or kadaif, plus pyroski, Greek salad and other dishes to choose from and of course the traditional honey cookies for dessert.

 30 chefs from the Yami website offer a festive brunch package for the family day (credit: PR)
30 chefs from the Yami website offer a festive brunch package for the family day (credit: PR)

A healthy vegan brunch with vegan shakes, homemade rolls, antipasti and personal broccoli pies - accompanied by a salad of course.

Brunch cost: NIS 40-47 per diner, with most packages suitable for six diners.