Folding bicycles: get to know the most interesting means of transportation

Uncover the Benefits of Folding Bikes: A Guide to the Ideal Commute Partner.

  Go to the station, take the train and continue on /  (photo credit: tern)
Go to the station, take the train and continue on /
(photo credit: tern)

Everyone complains about the traffic jams, few do anything about it, at most they swear to themselves that if there was better public transportation they would immediately leave the car at home. So we can't guarantee you efficient public transportation, but there is one tool that, together with the public transport system, can provide an efficient alternative to the private car.

And this is related to the public transport system that was inaugurated with us last August, and especially to its modern real section, the first real metro section in Israel, between Petah Tikva: The red line of the light rail from Bat Yam to Petah Tikva. Every passenger can bring a folding bicycle onto the red line. As is also allowed on the Israel Railways during all operating hours - in contrast to normal bicycles which are only allowed to be driven outside of rush hour - and on the city bus lines.

  Electric scooters are less stable and dangerous to ride on a road that is not well paved / Kenan Cohen (credit: Kenan cohen)
Electric scooters are less stable and dangerous to ride on a road that is not well paved / Kenan Cohen (credit: Kenan cohen)

Folding bikes save you waiting for the bus on the way to the light or heavy train, drive you to your station, and take you to your final destination. They allow anyone to drive several kilometers in each direction, thus dramatically expanding the coverage range of public transportation. It is possible to cover with the red line the employment areas in Kiryat Aryeh, on Yigal Alon Street in Tel Aviv, and even in Rishon Lezion, while riding from Kommiom station in Bat Yam. Until the light rail reaches the employment areas in Herzliya Pituach and Ramat Hachayal in Tel Aviv, using folding bicycles makes getting there from the train stations in Herzliya the first, and Bnei Brak and Tel Aviv the University two, a five to ten minute ride. No traffic jams, no looking for parking and no waiting for a bus. Important: Folding bicycles with wheels up to 20 inches are allowed in the Chabat, not balloon wheels.

 Make sure the weight of the bike is such that you can lift it relatively easily  (credit: dahon)
Make sure the weight of the bike is such that you can lift it relatively easily (credit: dahon)

Yes, you say, but this can also be done with an electric scooter. The orthopedic departments in the hospitals are full of people who thought like you. A scooter is a great urban tool, but due to its structure and small wheels, between 10 and 12 inches, and rarely 14 inches, it is very unstable. Folding bikes have a lower center of gravity, and larger wheels, usually 20 inches. And you can take it with you on any public transportation, just like a scooter. You can keep them folded in student apartments, or in any apartment with limited space in a building that does not have a bicycle room.

And unlike regular bikes, many workplaces will allow you to bring them into the office folded, then there is no more worry about theft, or returning to a wet bike at the end of a working day. And so, even though it's an almost 100-year-old idea, the connection to public transportation and today's small apartments make the folding bicycle one of the most interesting means of transportation for today's cities.

With the help of Guy Halamish, founder of the prominent bike magazine site Bikepanel and a bike tester himself, here are some golden rules for choosing the folding bike that suits you.

  A crowded apartment? No problem with a folding bike  (credit: dahon)
A crowded apartment? No problem with a folding bike (credit: dahon)

What is your budget: Basic folding bikes with one to three gears cost about NIS 1,000. Basic bikes with slightly upgraded components and up to 6-7 gears already cost about NIS 1,500.

High-quality folding bikes cost about 3,000-4,000 shekels and top brands reach about 8,000 shekels. Electric bicycle prices range from NIS 3,000 to NIS 8,000.

Regular or electric: Regular bikes weigh about 10 to 12 kg, which makes it easier to lift them up the stairs and onto the train. Electric bikes weigh 16-20 kg or more, and it's more challenging to lift them home or to the office, certainly where there is no elevator.

  Up to 1-2 km take the basic models, more than 5-8 km - consider electric (credit: dahon)
Up to 1-2 km take the basic models, more than 5-8 km - consider electric (credit: dahon)

How far will you ride: those who live and work about two kilometers in Tel Aviv from a light or heavy rail station can make do with a fairly basic pair. Those who have climbs on the way and want to drive even 5 km in each direction will need a pair with 7-8 gears, and it is worth considering an electric one, especially for those who want to drive 5-8 km. How to choose: You can order online, but after you have touched, picked up and taken the tool for a test ride. Check the quality of the transmission of gears and brakes, the ease of folding and assembly, the ability to take the bike when folded, will you for example have to carry it in your hands or will you be able to lift only one part and have it roll on the wheels.

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It is important to have disc brakes front and rear, preferably electrics with batteries and a 48 volt controller over a 36 volt one, which will improve acceleration and range. Don't give up basic equipment: a helmet, front and rear flashlights and sparkles, a light raincoat, sunglasses or regular ones that will protect your eyes from collisions with insects. And Guy Halamish from BikePanel concludes: "Folding bicycles are an excellent transportation solution for the city and a complement to public transportation. It's worth investing in a quality pair, and electric tools allow you to comfortably ride longer distances, but it's important to remember that folding tools are less convenient for long rides than regular bicycles, so the electric ones will also be less suitable for long distances ".

Brompton: the Porsche and Ferrari of the folding ones. The lightest, most easily and quickly folded, and the smallest size. They are easiest to carry when folded. The disadvantages: only 16-inch wheels that help maneuvering but harm stability, and the price - about NIS 7,000-8,000. There are also electric ones at five-figure prices. Tern, Dahon: two more manufacturers that specialize in folding bikes. Relatively high-quality bicycles, with smart solutions for folding. 20-inch wheels, there are also 8- and 9-speed models because even Jerusalemites and Haifaites deserve it. The price: NIS 2,500-5,000. Turn also has electric models at the price of a basic Chinese scooter.

Btwin Tilt 100: Decathlon chain's house brand, single gear, about NIS 1,000. An example of a basic folding pair at a price as well as quality. For those who travel short distances and are looking to invest as little as possible. In the world, the chain has a selection of models, with 9 gears and electric, it's a shame they don't come to Israel. All bike chains have house brands with base models at similar prices. Koning: One of the high quality electric bike brands that have been sold here for years. The old 007 model, with 48 volt batteries and 7 gears, costs about NIS 6,500.