Israeli vehicle strikes IDF officer, soldier at Homesh

Two violent incidents took place near the Homesh outpost over the last few days, the IDF spokesperson said on Monday.

Israeli soldiers seen outside Shavei Shomron in the West Bank following a shooting attack near Homesh, December 17, 2021. (photo credit: SRAYA DIAMANT/FLASH90)
Israeli soldiers seen outside Shavei Shomron in the West Bank following a shooting attack near Homesh, December 17, 2021.
(photo credit: SRAYA DIAMANT/FLASH90)

An Israeli vehicle broke into a block near the outpost on Monday evening, hitting the leg of an IDF officer and a soldier who secured the area, the IDF's spokesperson said on Monday. They sustained minor injuries, but did not require medical attention. 

Another violent incident took place near the Homesh outpost over the last few days, the IDF spokesperson said on Monday.

On Saturday night, an Israeli vehicle arrived to block the outpost. Several Israelis got out and threw stones at Palestinian vehicles. A force present at the scene acted to stop the incident, though a soldier was subsequently attacked by an Israeli citizen.

Fortunately, neither the officer nor the two fighters from the above incidents required medical attention.

 Visitors walk by the water tower on the ruins of the evacuated settlement of Homesh on August 27, 2019. (credit: HILLEL MAEIR/FLASH90)
Visitors walk by the water tower on the ruins of the evacuated settlement of Homesh on August 27, 2019. (credit: HILLEL MAEIR/FLASH90)

Tensions have risen around Homesh in recent months as Palestinians and Jewish settlers clash over illegal settlements – most notably the Homesh Yeshiva on the hilltop of the city.