IDF eliminates three major Hamas operatives, impeding terror capabilities in Israel, West Bank

The Israeli air force eliminated Mansur Aadel Mansur Kashalan, Walid Abed Abu Dalal and Tareq Darwish.

IDF eliminated Hamas terrorist Tareq Darwish. (IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

The IDF announced on Saturday morning that it successfully eliminated Hamas terrorist Mansur Aadel Mansur Kashalan on Thursday.

Kashalan was reportedly responsible for terror attacks on Israeli territory.

The Hamas operative was killed as part of a joint operation by the IDF and Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency). Intelligence information led to the discovery of Kashalan's location, which was struck by IAF fighter jets.

The military added that Kashalan carried out various attacks, a significant number of which took place in the West Bank, and directed them in coordination with other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip and abroad.

Other terrorists killed in IDF operations this week

In another joint operation that took place this week, an IAF aircraft struck and eliminated the Hamas terrorist Walid Abed Abu Dalal in the Central Camps area of the Gaza Strip.

 Israeli Air Force planes from a distance; IAF struck Hamas cells in the Gaza Strip after a day of rocket barrages fired by Hamas, April 7, 2023 (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
Israeli Air Force planes from a distance; IAF struck Hamas cells in the Gaza Strip after a day of rocket barrages fired by Hamas, April 7, 2023 (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

Abu Dalal was a Hamas military wing operative who also headed the technology department of the Hamas Internal Security Forces. 

The Hamas Internal Security Forces, and especially the technology department, comprised a significant part of Hamas's counter-espionage abilities, the IDF said. These abilities enabled terrorists to conduct attacks IDF troops in the Gaza Strip.

In a third major success of the IDF this week, the IDF noted that the IAF eliminated Tareq Darwish, a significant operative in Hamas's Aerial Array of the Nuseirat Battalion. 

Darwish directed and carried out terror attacks against Israel. The terrorist unit Darwish was a part of had significantly increased terrorist activity over the past month and had attempted to impede IDF aerial operations.