Number of Israeli firms that believe war is impediment to business decreases - CBS

The percentage of businesses reporting that Israel’s security situation is a significant impediment dropped in the second quarter of 2024, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics’ Business Tendency Survey for June 2024.

This percentage spiked at the start of the Israel-Hamas war, and dropped steeply in Q2/2024 for retail; dropping more slowly for industry, said the CBS. As of the end of Q2/2024, for the industry sector, this percentage stood at 17%, and for retail at 11%.

The survey also found that the proportion of businesses in hi-tech production who defined the difficulty of penetrating new markets as a significant impediment climbed over time, and stood at 22% in Q2 2024. This is compared to 9% at the start of 2024.

Overall, businesses reported that their net balances were positive across all sectors in June, the survey found. Net balances between May and April showed increased sales in industry and the service sector, and a decrease in retail sales. Expectations for July were positive for all sectors other than construction and hotels.