Three soldiers wounded in terror attack in West Bank

Shots were fired from a passing vehicle near Nabi Ilyas at IDF troops who were located in the area. 

 Magen David Adom operates at the scene of the terror attack in the West Bank. July 25, 2024. (photo credit: MDA)
Magen David Adom operates at the scene of the terror attack in the West Bank. July 25, 2024.
(photo credit: MDA)

The IDF confirmed on Thursday that shots were fired from a passing vehicle near Nabi Ilyas, close to Kalkilya, at IDF troops located in the area.

Three soldiers were wounded and the  DF also said forces were deployed in the area in search of the attackers.

Soldiers wounded

Earlier on Thursday, following initial reports of the attack, Magen David Adom (MDA) said it was granting medical treatment to three individuals who had been wounded.  

 IDF troops hold an operational assessment at the scene of the terror attack. July 25, 2024. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
IDF troops hold an operational assessment at the scene of the terror attack. July 25, 2024. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

Two men in their 30s and 20s sustained moderate to light wounds and were being transferred to the Meir Medical Center in Kfar Saba for further treatment.

An additional individual was lightly wounded.

This is a developing story.