Macron meets French party leaders to try to name a prime minister

French President Emmanuel Macron began meeting party leaders from across France's political spectrum on Friday with the aim, nearly seven weeks after inconclusive parliamentary elections, to finally give the country a new prime minister.

Whoever Macron names will face a tough job, with parliamentary approval of the 2025 budget one of many challenges at a time when France is under pressure from the European Commission and bond markets to reduce its deficit.

Who will become prime minister - and whether they can get a hung parliament to back any reforms - is still very much an open question, with no sign yet of any broader coalition that would have a stable majority.

Macron's gamble to call the snap parliamentary election backfired, with his centrist coalition losing dozens of seats in the June 30 and July 7 ballots, which delivered a hung parliament.

Outgoing Prime Minister Gabriel Attal's government steered France through the Paris Olympics in a caretaker role. But the break is over, and Macron will appoint a prime minister after these talks, which will continue on Monday, his office said.