Health Ministry: Details of movement of coronavirus passenger in Israel
By JERUSALEM POST STAFFThe first of Israel's El Al Airlines order of 16 Boeing 787 Dreamliner jets lands at Ben Gurion International Airport, near Tel Aviv(photo credit: REUTERS)
Findings on the passenger who tested positive for coronavirus that arrived in Israel from Italy on the February 23, have been released by the Health Ministry.Anyone who has been in these areas during those times, and has been in close contact - a distance of two meters or less for more than 15 minutes, must immediately be quarantined in their home, and report to the Health Ministry online at: on how to quarantine your house can also be found at the address listed above.The passenger was in the following areas on the following dates and times:1. Friday February 21 - EL AL Flight LY381 departing from Israel at 6am2. Sunday February 23 - EL AL Flight LY382 arriving in Israel at 4:10pm3. Sunday February 23 - 'Red Pirate' store in Or Yehuda between the hours of 6-10pm4. Monday February 24 - 'Red Pirate' store in Or Yehuda between the hours of 8:30am -12am5. Monday February 24 - The Iris synagogue on Noga Street in the town of Iris between 6-7am
6. Tuesday February 25 - 'Red Pirate' store in Or Yehuda between the hours of 8:30am-12amThese findings were given to 'the Post' by Eyal Basson, Health Ministry Spokesperson