Iran's Khamenei: Israel will not survive

The ayatollah said Gaza can now defeat Israel with Iranian weapons.

Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (photo credit: AFP PHOTO / HO / KHAMENEI.IR)
Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
(photo credit: AFP PHOTO / HO / KHAMENEI.IR)
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Israel will not survive and will "be eliminated" on Twitter Friday morning.
Speaking on Israel's Jerusalem Day, Khamenei wrote, "First, I would like to highlight the magnitude of the tragedy of the occupation of #Palestine and the formation of the Zionist cancerous tumor in that country," Khamenei said. Among crimes against humanity in recent times, there is no crime that equals this crime in terms of scope and gravity"
He continued, saying that "the dawn of the Islamic Revolution in #Iran opened up a new chapter in the struggle for #Palestine. The emergence of the #resistance front presented the Zionist regime with increasing problems." Khamenei added that "God willing, the Zionist regime will encounter even more problems in the future."
Khamenei said that "today, the resistance front is moving with increasing power and hope, while the front of oppression, unbelief and arrogance is growing more hopeless and powerless by the day. Today the ‘invincible’ Zionist army is forced to retreat against resisting people in Lebanon and Gaza."
The ayatollah said "arrogant Powers & Zionism’s main policy is to push #Palestine to fade in oblivion in minds of Muslim communities," adding that "truth is an issue as important as Palestine isn’t something Muslim nations allow to sink into oblivion."
Khamenei claimed "the main agents of disastrous creation of [I]srael are western govts. Conspiring with Jewish plutocrats, Britain prepared a fabrication called Zionism to play its role. After WWII, they abused problems of region’s states & declared the bogus regime, nationless Zionist state."
He continued, saying that "Westerners & Jewish corporation owners’ main goal by fabricating the Zionist regime & this cancerous tumor was to build a stronghold to influence & dominate West Asia. So, they equipped the bogus, occupying regime with all kinds of military & non-military tools, even nukes."
Khamenei added that "sadly, after their initial struggles of resistance, some of which were praiseworthy, the majority of Arab governments gradually succumbed. Particularly after the U.S. involvement, they forgot their human, Islamic and political responsibilities and their Arab pride."
The Iranian leader said his "main advice is to continue this struggle & better organize anti-occupation organizations, cooperation & expand the areas of #Jihad inside Palestinian territories. Everyone must help the Palestinian fighters. We will proudly do everything in our power on this path."

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According to Khamenei, "
Iran realized Palestinian fighters’ only problem was lack of access to weapons. With divine guidance & assistance, we planned & the balance of power has been transformed in #Palestine, and today Gaza can stand against the aggression of the Zionist enemy and defeat it."
Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and Hezbollah " have been a proof for everyone [t]he world will not forget the day Zionist army, pounded by Hezbollah, retreated from Lebanon & begged for a truce after heavy casualties. This is what full hands & a position of power means." he continued.
"Let that European government, which should be eternally ashamed for selling #chemical agents to the regime of #Saddam Hussein, designate the honorable Hezbollah as ‘illegal’. ‘Illegal’ is that same government whose chemical agents caused the death of thousands in Iran and Iraq."
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo responded to Khameni on Twitter, calling what the tweets "
disgusting and hateful anti-Semitic remarks."
We know Khamenei’s vile rhetoric does not represent the Iranian people’s tradition of tolerance," Pompeo added.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded on Friday saying that, "Those that threaten Israel with extermination put themselves in similar danger."
Israel's Alternate Prime Minister and Defense Minister Benny Gantz responded to the threats Friday afternoon writing on his Facebook account, "The State of Israel has severe challenges in many arenas. Khamenei's statement that Israel is a 'cancerous tumor' illustrates this more than anything."
"As someone who knows the Iranian issue well, and who has prepared the IDF's capabilities on the subject, I do not suggest anyone to test us," Gantz continued. "In my experience, the words of our enemy are indicative of weakness. In any case, we will be prepared for all the threats, and by any means. "