Netanyahu to Iran: Those who threaten Israel will be destroyed

Netanyahu’s tweet came in response to one from Khamenei, featuring a poster that reads: “Palestine will be free. The final solution. Resistance is referendum.”

An Iranian Officer of Revolutionary Guards, with Israel flag drawn on his boots, is seen during graduation ceremony, held for the military cadets in a military academy, in Tehran, Iran June 30, 2018 (photo credit: TASNIM NEWS AGENCY/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS)
An Iranian Officer of Revolutionary Guards, with Israel flag drawn on his boots, is seen during graduation ceremony, held for the military cadets in a military academy, in Tehran, Iran June 30, 2018
Anyone who threatens Israel will himself be threatened, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khaminei via Twitter on Wednesday.
“Khamenei’s threats to carry out ‘The Final Solution’ against Israel bring to mind the Nazi ‘Final Solution’ plan to annihilate the Jewish People,” Netanyahu said. “He should know that any regime that threatens the destruction of the State of Israel faces a similar danger.”
Netanyahu’s tweet came in response to one from Khamenei, featuring a poster that reads: “Palestine will be free. The final solution. Resistance is referendum.”
Khamenei displayed the antisemitic poster in English, Farsi and Arabic on his official homepage.
The picture shows a conquered Jerusalem with photos of the late Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp Quds Force leader Qasem Soleimani.
Intelligence Services Minister Eli Cohen slammed Khamenei saying that his "boasting" is meant to "distract the Iranian people from the troubles they are in."
According to Cohen, the Iranian leader "knows full well that an attempt to carry out a 'Final Solution' will mean a deadly blow for Iran.”
The US and the EU classified Soleimani as a leading international terrorist. A US drone strike killed the Quds Force leader in January. He was responsible for the murder of over 600 US military personnel as well as Israelis.
The poster was released from Khamenei’s office to celebrate Quds Day, the annual Iranian regime rally calling for Israel’s destruction.
Khamenei also tweeted a screed against Israel, writing that "the Zionist regime was built based on oppression, lies, deception, bloodshed, massacre and trampling human rights" and compared "the Zionists" to "a cancerous tumor...masscring children, women and men."

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The Iranian leader called for Muslims around the world to unite against Israel and US President Donald Trump's peace plan, which he called "satanic." He called for Palestinians to be armed.
"The only thing that can reduce the Palestinians' hardships is the hand of power. Otherwise, compromise won't reduce a bit the cruelty of this usurping, evil, wolf-like entity," he wrote.
Khamenei also accused Gulf States, and Saudi Arabia specifically, of committing "the biggest treachery" by reaching out to Israel.
Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, told The Jerusalem Post: “Fanatic Jew-hating Ayatollah and company inspired by Nazi antecedents. Awaiting protests from Berlin and Vienna.”
Iran’s regime is considered the top state sponsor of antisemitism and Holocaust denial by ADL national director Jonathan Greenblatt.
Karmel Melamed, an Iranian-American and an expert on the regime’s lethal antisemitism and Holocaust denial, took to Twitter to criticize Germany for its robust trade relationship with Tehran.
Uwe Becker, the president of the pro-Israel NGO The German-Israel Friendship Society, told the Post that “While suppressing their own people, the Mullah regime in Tehran is proclaiming freedom for the Palestinians in order to continue the path to destroy the Jewish state.
“As long as Tehran is denying the right of existence of Israel – and as long as they are continuing to attack directly or indirectly Israeli families – the EU should freeze the relations with the Iranian regime,” he said. “No pillars of relations should stand on poisoned ground. The Iranian regime is constantly fighting against the State of Israel and its existence.”
"The Zionist regime has proven it won’t abide by any treaty & understands no logic except force," Khamenei said on Twitter late Wednesday. "The nature of the Zionist regime is incompatible with peace, because the Zionists seek to expand their territories & will certainly not be limited to what they have already occupied," he added.
"Eliminating the Zionist regime doesn’t mean eliminating Jews," Khamenei continued. We aren’t against Jews. It means abolishing the imposed regime & Muslim, Christian & Jewish Palestinians choose their own govt & expel thugs like Netanyahu," he said. "This is 'Eliminating Israel' & it will happen."
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo responded to Khamenei on Twitter, saying that "the United States condemns Supreme Leader Khamenei's disgusting and hateful anti-Semitic remarks. They have no place on Twitter or on any other social media platform. We know Khamenei’s vile rhetoric does not represent the Iranian people’s tradition of tolerance."
Jerusalem Post staff contributed to this report.