Binational US-Israel agricultural fund paid $350m in research since 1978

Israeli and American partnership for promoting nutritional security in both countries has been established 

The Prospera Technologies system used in a Mexican greenhouse, seeking to impact the global market, Prospera chose Mexico as it is one of the largest vegetable greenhouse producers in the world (photo credit: Courtesy)
The Prospera Technologies system used in a Mexican greenhouse, seeking to impact the global market, Prospera chose Mexico as it is one of the largest vegetable greenhouse producers in the world
(photo credit: Courtesy)

A new strategic partnership between the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology and the (BARD) will provide NIS 4 million will be invested in promoting food security. The joint US-Israel applicable research will bring Israeli and American scientists together to address pressing issues both countries are facing and to develop innovative approaches for food production and consumption.

This program is one of several steps BARD has made to support research and development in the fields of food and nutrition. A joint team made up of experts from Israel and the US will recommend the program priorities including support for healthful consumption through personalized nutrition, advancing change of consumer habits, and promoting nutritious food choices.

BARD is a competitive funding program that supports collaborative agricultural and mission-oriented research in areas of mutual interest to the two countries. 

Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology Ofir Akunis commented that “the signing of this new agreement is further proof of the deepening of the science and technology partnership between Israel and the US. The new agreement between the two countries will strengthen our long-standing scientific ties, which are getting stronger and stronger in areas of high priorities both to Israel and the US”. 

 Spray Fertilizer Pesticide Tractor Agriculture. (credit: MAX PIXEL)
Spray Fertilizer Pesticide Tractor Agriculture. (credit: MAX PIXEL)

Prof. Yoram Kapulnik, BARD’s Executive Director added that “nutritional security requires, among other things, the supply of healthful, fresh, and nutritious food that is adapted to the needs of the population. Food affects our quality of life, and proper nutrition can improve and reduce chronic illness as well as improve general health.

Research that helps improve public health

Unfortunately, we recognize dietary patterns in which people consume processed and ultra-processed food that is likely to harm their health and causes obesity, many chronic illnesses and even lead to premature death. Changing dietary patterns and finding a healthful and research-based diet is even more important today due to the changing environmental conditions and the difficulty of making them accessible to the public.”

Kapulnik concluded that food security “is a crucial matter and a top priority for investment in both Israel and the US. When every person has access to high-quality and safe food, we all benefit. We also aspire to help those with specific nutritional requirements, vulnerable populations, and young children who represent our future through collaborative research with leading scientists in the US.”

Over the past 45 years, BARD has funded more than 1,450 research projects with a total investment of $350 million. Research outputs led to hundreds of new agricultural practices, commercial engagements, and many patent-series and breeding rights licenses. These results serve as a growth engine for both the Israeli and US economies and agricultural communities, BARD said. 

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