Research and development

Israel Aerospace Industries, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi sign CSR agreement

The agreement establishes a framework for collaborative research projects, training initiatives, and expert consultations between IAI and IIT Delhi. .

New cancer research for personalized care

Israeli researchers lead a study to predict the success of personalized immunotherapy, avoiding biopsies and conventional cancer treatment.

Scientists invent brain chip to reduce risk-taking in monkeys

These groundbreaking findings not only showcase the potential of brain chip technology in influencing behavior but also offer valuable insights into the neural mechanisms governing risk attitudes.

Mount Scopus campus, Hebrew University Jerusalem

Parents of autistic children struggle during war, Hebrew U study reveals

Elevated stress has been triggered in parents of autistic children following the October 7 massacre and during the Gaza war.

Binational US-Israel agricultural fund paid $350m in research since 1978

Israeli and American partnership for promoting nutritional security in both countries has been established 

From chaos to connectivity: Israel's top 6 infrastructure priorities

Less bureaucracy and more public transit are among the pressing solutions highlighted by experts.

Has the Mars rover discovered extraterrestrial life? - study

Life formed on Mars millions of years ago may still exist.

The US should not condition or end military aid to Israel - opinion

US support of Israel’s military isn’t a charitable donation; it supports vital American interests – strategic, defense, cyber, intelligence, R&D, and much more.


Israel unveils miniature human heart model to transform drug testing

A minuscule model of a human heart, the size of a grain of rice, has been created in Israel. With the potential to put an end to the often criticized animal testing by pharmaceutical companies.

ChatGPT-maker OpenAI says it is doubling down on preventing AI from 'going rogue'

Superintelligent AI - systems more intelligent than humans - could arrive this decade, the blog post's authors predicted.

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