The ‘Uniform to University’ scholarship fund

 BRUNO on campus. (photo credit: TAU)
BRUNO on campus.
(photo credit: TAU)

Tel Aviv University was the first university in Israel to provide financial support to help cover tuition costs for students serving in the IDF reserves (miluim). Almost 7,000 TAU  students have served in the IDF  during the Gaza war, and have now returned from the front to the study hall. Many will likely be called back to serve. TAU is working to ensure that these heroes have the academic and financial assistance they need to overcome gaps and succeed in their studies.

Meet Bruno 

Age: 25

Rank: First Sergeant, Para troopers

Studies: Architecture

Calling: Visionary architect

Bruno moved to Israel from Mexico City seven years ago and became a lone soldier in the paratroopers.  A week after October 7, he was scheduled to begin his third year at Tel Aviv University as an architecture student. However, at 3 p.m. on that fateful Shabbat, duty called, and Bruno was summoned to Kfar Aza and later to Khan Yunis, where he fought for 55 consecutive days. Bruno did not return to his studies until the end of January 2024.

“It’s strange to worry about  ‘regular’ issues again, like rent, exams, and such,” he says: “A month ago, I was only worrying about life and death,” Bruno admits that sitting in class for two hours straight is challenging nowadays, but he feels grateful for all the help the university is providing. “Architecture is a very demanding degree, and I feel that’s helping to keep me focused.”

“I got back from the war in  Gaza, where I served in the paratroopers as a first sergeant,”  he says. “One of the most special moments that I lived through the war was during the  Shabbats when everyone came together. We sang together and prayed together.  “I am currently back at university, and the biggest challenge I face is catching up with the courses,”  Bruno says. “Thanks to the support of the university,  I was able to get back to  my studies and accomplish  my dream of becoming an  architect and helping to  create a better and more  useful society.”


Meet Boaz 

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Age: 29

Rank: Captain, Nachal Brigade

Studies: Political Science  and Philosophy

Calling: Political adviser

 BOAZ on campus.  (credit: TAU)
BOAZ on campus. (credit: TAU)

Born in Jerusalem to French parents, Boaz has lived for the last five years in Tel Aviv. This is his last year in the prestigious PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics) degree program – he wants to be a political adviser and already has massive experience in the field.

On October 7, Boaz, who is an “alum” of an elite emergency evacuation unit in the  Nahal Brigade, was mobilized. He was in Gaza from  October 31 to January 20.  “Nahal suffered heavy losses during the war, with over 100 injured soldiers. Unfortunately, many of them did not survive,” he lamented.

Upon his release, Boaz found the return to routine extremely challenging. “It  was difficult to readjust to the rhythm of regular life and to  find meaning in little things  such as answering emails or reading articles, while knowing that fighting is still going  on and the hostages have not  been freed.”

He adds: “I got a lot of help from the university. All  of the professors were really understanding and made  many adjustments that made  things easier for me – warms  the heart.”